Since we are always trying to find some new political system, social order, economic system, or church that will satisfy some desire for freedom. Yet, we still quarrel and fight, and cannot stand to have any of our freedoms challenged. It seems like atheistic philosophers always sought out freedom through some new social order, whether it was Marx in the abolishing of socio-economic classes, Nietzche saw that the problem was objective truth and goodness, John Stuart Mill saw the solution as utilitarianism. And there were and are other leftist statist minded movements that seek to abolish anything they see as enslaving, such as tradition, culture, or religion. Then there is also the postmodern movement, which is fueled on skepticism and deconstruction of all assumed beliefs and orthodoxies. I do agree that all these philosophical schools of though knew what was wrong with the world, but could never find a way to fix it. Even today, I find that the Libertarian Movement is very popular in seeing violence and force as the main threats to freedom, and therefore Government should be limited as much as possible, except to restrain people from using force. Then there is the new social ethic of tolerance, that says we should be respectful to people even if we dont agree with their views.
Then I have noticed that in many religious systems, they claim to be the true sources of freedom, through enslaving people to legalistic codes, and doctrinal conformity. This reminds me of RJ Rushdooney, a dominionist who claimed the only true freedom could come through making the law of moses the law of the USA. When all it could do is make a mockery of God, and make him look like another world power.
Yet, I cannot help think that all earthly freedom is a shadow of true freedom in Christ. Similar to how the Exodus from Egypt in symbolizing freedom from political slavery was a shadow of freedom from sin. Since God could have chosen the shadow of freedom from savage anarchy.