The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Can you list 10 things you are thankful for?

If an alias is acceptable for the hero of all Middle Earth, than who am I to judge? :wink:

Hmmm… Interesting. And I would enjoy a thread discussing the spirituality in Tolkien’s work. After all, Lewis gets most of the attention for Christian fiction, but surely Tolkien’s books have great spiritual merit, as well – although perhaps not quite so obvious. (And it is thanks to Tolkien that Lewis became one of the western world’s most beloved Christian fiction writers.)

  1. My Lord and Savior, the Righteous King, Jesus, who saved me from my sins by His Grace and Mercy (which endueth forever :wink: ).
  2. My lovely wife, companion, and best friend.
  3. My wonderful daughters, whom God has graced me with the responsibility to love and raise.
  4. My friends, who have been there through thick and thin.
  5. My church, through which I can learn to love and serve.
  6. My job, which God has given me to have the sustinance to sustain me and my family in this life (including food, shelter, clothes, and ‘extras’)
  7. The gift of music, in which we can praise God, sing with our hearts, play with our souls, and listen with pleasurous rapture.
  8. God’s creation, including the plants, animals, people (including myself), mountians and valleys, seas and lakes, and the splender and beauty of the world.
  9. Exotic places and people whom I’ve met around the world.
  10. Memories of good times and bad, of laughter and sorrow, of life and loss, knowing that it will all be brought Home…
  1. The amazing love and transformative grace of our heavenly Father as revealed in Jesus our Lord that extends to all.
  2. My call to ministry
  3. My family especially my fiancee and my Dad.
  4. Life and seeking to live abundantly.
  5. My professors
  6. Prayer and worship
  7. All the members of family including my mom and her parents, my uncle Nathan, my Dad’s mom who have passed into glory and are feasting at the resurrection table, and the influence they had on my life.
  8. Friends
  9. Sophie Loren, my new kitty
  10. My fiancee and I’s new on campus apartment.

The medication that keeps me sane
The doctor in hospital who put me on it
God who made lithium among many other things
A caring male charge nurse in hospital
A lady who tried to resign by throwing away her keys
Cedric, Vera and Gordon, who lived Christ
Jesus who died and rose again, who one day I will love
A dry little house which I’m allowed to call my own
A gray and white cat called Ababe
Flowers, from big to tiny, and all colours
(in the order they occurred to me)

  1. God, his son, and his spirit.
  2. Love
  3. Joy
  4. Peace
  5. Patience
  6. Kindness
  7. Good Heartedness
  8. Faithfulness
  9. Gentleness
  10. Self Control

Before someone asks, “No, I do not always outwardly express the gifts of the spirit.”