The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Can you list 10 things you are thankful for?

Thankfulness is good for the soul.
If you feel like it, list 10 things - little, big, it does not matter - that you are thankful for. It would be nice if we did that every day, we’d have a million entries here over time!
Here’s 10, in no particular order, and some are silly, but I’m thankful for them.

Warm socks on a cold winter’s night
My friends, and those I’ve yet to make
Trees. Even the ones I spend time raking the leaves of :slight_smile:
Grace - in people and in God
Music : Bach…aaaaah, Bach!
Tinnitus - I’ve had a loud ringing in my ears for years - and I’ve actually learned patience by dealing with it
Wendell Berry
My wife’s snoring - she is a smallish woman who snores epically, eloquently, she snores ‘in tongues’ which I call ‘snorilallia’. The payoff - in the morning when we first wake, and I describe her night’s production, she gives forth a pure, hearty, head-thrown-back and tuneful laughter that wakes the birds outside and gets them happy as well. I have done my duty for the day, and creation may now start spinning around us once again.

That was an easy 10.
What about you?

Er, on reflection, no.

God’s Humor x 10

Stef! Very much so! Or we would all be dust again.

  1. That Jesus really is the savior of the WORLD. :smiley: And that He is more beautiful than I could ever imagine.
  2. For the fire in my stove, even though I just burned my hand on it – again.
  3. For my new juicer and lots of veggies.
  4. For my two sweet doggies lying in front of the stove.
  5. My husband is here to celebrate another birthday today and there is a cake in the oven even though he’s not really supposed to eat that! :wink:
  6. It really is, all of it, going to be okay.
  7. You guys – all of you.
  8. Father loves me and I love Him, and how many people get to know that and do that in this present age?
  9. All my children will be taught of God and their peace will be great.
  10. A great big huge pile of logs in the back and a quite fun hydrolic log splitter without which they would be quite useless. :wink:

Great idea for a thread.

I admire your attitude there, Dave.

Yes, strongly agree!

Good choice, Steve, if God really has a sense of humour, although I’m unsure whether He does or whether that is an anthropomorphism - a subject for another thread perhaps?

Amen to that, Cindy.

Ten of my own, a little random and in no particular order (and taking ‘as read’ fundamentals such as God and faith, wife and family, roof over our heads, etc.):

Tea (normal ‘English breakfast’)
Music (a variety)
Books (theological)
Walks in sunshine and fresh air
Country views
Quality TV and films
The affection of my children
Hot baths

Blessings :smiley:


  1. Family
  2. The company of good friends
  3. That my good friends know when its time to leave
  4. Cold milk shakes
  5. The sky at night
  6. Sunshine after the rain
  7. Opportunity to learn & grow from the internet
  8. Parents whose lives will never cease to amaze me
  9. The rare gift of humility (ok I actually mean thank God for the gift of humour)
  10. Times of enlightenment and being overwhelmed by the presence of God.
  1. Family
  2. The company of good friends
  3. That my good friends know when its time to leave
  4. Cold milk shakes
  5. The sky at night
  6. Sunshine after the rain
  7. Opportunity to learn & grow from the internet
  8. Parents whose lives will never cease to amaze me
  9. The rare gift of humility (ok I actually mean thank God for the gift of humour)
  10. Times of enlightenment and being overwhelmed by the presence of God.

In no particular order…

1.) The chocolate chip cookie I ate today – homemade and all
2.) My dachshund – his furry toes, welcome-home kisses, and little bald spot from where his belly drags the ground
3.) My family and friends – “real-life” and virtual :slight_smile:
4.) Belting to old Barbara Striesand CD’s with my mom in the car
5.) Warm, cozy foods – especially soup, coffee, tea, and noodles
6.) The cows, deer, turkeys, alpacas, horses, sheep, and donkeys I see on the way to school each day – and my university in general.
7.) That God is patient, loving, and long-suffering even (and especially!) when I’m not
8.) Funny YouTube videos and internet cats
9.) Colors
10.) The comfy bed waiting for me when sign off here – Good-night, everyone.:slight_smile:

That’s a lovely thread Dave - you are such an old sweetheart :laughing: I’m sorry to hear about your tinnitus my friend :frowning:



Apples for the road, and a pipe for sitting (Sam Gamgee, I think)
A Road Less Taken (the poem, and the experience)
Orcas Island
Speckled trout in a clear , clear stream
Cats (a common answer, I see)
Kites at play on the end of a string
All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
The Lord God Who made us all

Samwise! Yes, that was him.:slight_smile: And I am also thankful for “second breakfast.” :wink:

And I am going to throw a big party when I’m 111 :slight_smile: - a ways off…

Well, of course! Celebration is obligatory for such a big day – but no admittance unless on party business. :slight_smile:

I guess it’s easy to guess that I’m thankful for hobbits, too. :laughing:

  1. Salvation from sin through Jesus Christ
  2. My dear wife.
  3. My children. They’re growing up too fast.

The remainder are in no particular order:
4. Employment
5. Good health
6. Civil liberties
7. Eyes to behold beauty
8. Music
9. Modern technology
10. Pumpkin Spice Coffee from Starbucks.

Dave, you made me laugh too! :laughing:

I’m thankful for…

  1. My children and their excitement over the little things
    2.My husband and his continued support of my being home with them (Thankful he’s good w/ technology so I could meet all of you!)
    3.A never ending list of great things to read
  2. Onions, I love onions! I stick them in everything, much to my dad’s chagrin when I cook for him. Poor Dad!
  3. Supportive parents that are a fun conversation and great example
  4. My sister’s friendship
  5. A church and pastor that tolerates me and all my wackiness…and is convinced of God’s unfailing love for us all
  6. My part-time job working with students
  7. Mountains nearby that I can visit and catch a breath of fresh air
  8. God and the hope that his love conquers all

Kate, you never can underestimate a good night’s rest!

I am ‘maudib’ - sorry for the innocent deception - I wanted to stay out of the fracas elsewhere and thought I would sneak in via the alias. I’ve ‘come out’ now though, and yeah it’s Dave. Hail, and well met. :smiley:

LOL. Great to see you Dave.

I was going to say it’s nice to see your avatar again, Dave, but it turns out we talked about Hobbits just last night.:slight_smile:

This is true. I felt a little ‘cheap’ doing it that way, with an alias, and I’m sorry, it was not fair, though it was well-intentioned.

THOUGH, in my defense, I believe Frodo Baggins had an alias also?? A certain Mr. Underhill, if I’m not mistaken? :laughing: Yes he had a more vital reason for doing it. He had mushrooms to protect, and Black Riders to avoid.

Though - another thread? - we all have something ‘precious’ to protect, something truly precious, and there are black riders after us all the time…