The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Care to compare the Jesus you know to the one I know?

Care to compare the Jesus you know to the one I know?

I have been asked to do an O P showing my beliefs and have written a nutshell view to fill that request.

I was a skeptic till the age of 39. I then had an apotheosis and later branded myself an esoteric ecumenist and Gnostic Christian. Gnostic Christian because I exemplify this quote from William Blake and that makes me as hated by Christians today as the ancient Gnostics that Constantine had the Christians kill when he bought the Catholic Church.

“Both read the Bible day and night, But thou read’st black where I read white.”

This refers to how Gnostics tend to reverse, for moral reasons, what Christians see in the Bible. We tend to recognize the evil ways of the O. T. God where literal Christians will see God’s killing as good. Christians are sheep where Gnostic Christians are goats.

This is perhaps why we see the use of a Jesus scapegoat as immoral, while theists like to make Jesus their beast of burden. An immoral position.

During my apotheosis, something that only lasted 5 or 6 seconds, the only things of note to happen was that my paradigm of reality was confirmed and I was chastised to think more demographically. What I found was what I call a cosmic consciousness. Not a new term but one that is a close but not exact fit.

I recognize that I have no proof. That is always the way with apotheosis.
This is also why I prefer to stick to issues of morality because no one has yet been able to prove that God is real and I have no more proof than they for the cosmic consciousness or what I call; the Godhead.

The cosmic consciousness is not a miracle working God. It does not interfere with us save when one of us finds it. Not a common thing from what I can see. It is a part of nature and our next evolutionary step.

I tend to have more in common with atheists who ignore what they see as my delusion because our morals are basically identical. Theist tend not to like me much as I have no respect for literalists and fundamentals and think that most Christians have exaggerated tribal mentalities and poor morals as they have developed a double standard to be able to stomach their God.

I am rather between a rock and a hard place but this I cannot help.

I am happy to be questioned on what I believe but whether or not God exists is basically irrelevant to this world for all that he does not do, and I prefer to thrash out moral issues that can actually find an end point. The search for God is never ending when you are of the Gnostic persuasion. My apotheosis basically says that I am to ignore whatever God I found, God as a set of rules that is, not idol worship it but instead, raise my bar of excellence and seek further.

My apotheosis also showed me that God has no need for love, adoration or obedience. He has no needs. Man has dominion here on earth and is to be and is the supreme being.

Since then, I have tried to collect information that would help any that believe that apotheosis is possible, generally not Christians, — as they do not believe in the mythical esoteric Jesus that I believe in and churches do not dare teach it.

This first clip gives the theological and philosophical interpretation of what Jesus taught and the second clip show what I think is a close representation of the method that helped me push my apotheosis. … r_embedded

Basically, the usual Christian Jesus is their hero and savior while my version demand that man himself steps up to the plate and save himself.

Which version do you think is more moral and deserving of praise and why?


Thanks for posting this, DL. There may be a few things I’d like to discuss further, but I’ll have to do a little thinking first.

I don’t hate you, btw, and I doubt anyone here does either. :smiley: Some will find your rhetoric to be a bit harsh, perhaps, but when a strong opinion is stated forcefully, people tend to get defensive, on both sides. It will settle down if we give it some time.

Married? Working/retired? Interests in art or reading or music?


Yes to all except working.

I look forward to your thoughts on the best Jesus.


I just got out of a long debate where I was accused of being Gnostic and I was called amongst other things a “Pantheist Determinist” what ever that is. I do believe that Jesus taught Pantheism as well as Reincarnation. I do not see this as agreeing to Determinism.

Although I think of myself as a Buddhist not a Christian I am still curious to see the differences and similarities in how we see Jesus.

I think that both animal and human sacrifice repugnant and do not believe that “blood” can wash away my sins. I do not believe in Original Sin and I do believe that I ultimately have complete Free Will. Though I admit that Delusions can hide this Free Will from us. To me Religion is one of these Delusions.

I do believe that God exist as The Source of All that IS. So I do not believe that there is anything that is not God.

But I also believe that there are lower and higher states of consciousness. So in essence if you forget that you are God then you will not act like you are. If you do not believe that Love is your ultimate nature is Love (The Source) then how can you know what love is? And if you seek this Love without knowing what it is then Delusion is inevitable.

Anyway before I say anything more I would like to get your take on it. What is the difference between a Gnostic and a Buddhist?

Gnosis means to know and Buddha means to be Awake.

For me the only way to know is to wake up. How is this different from the Gnostic view? And what did Jesus teach according to Gnostics?

This shows some basic beliefs but be aware that they are not super official because their is no official Gnostic Christian church at present.

We are also perpetual seekers and see all Gods and their scriptures as myths.

What I try to sell is basically shown in the two clips in the O.P., that being that any myth or belief system can be used to activate the pineal gland and earn enlightenment.

Gnosis to a Gnostic Christian is knowledge of ourselves and our capability of contact with the Godhead. That knowledge can only be found inside of yourself.
