Hi, as being an ex atheist I had much problems to accept this word channeling. As many of the prophets in the Old Testament received information from the God of the Bible, there was a contra-principle at work, name channeling. I recommend the people here to read the book by Joscelyn Godwin, Atlantis and the Cycles of Time. Then we read that throughout time many people were guided by invisible forces.
Then there is this book by Karla Turner and Ted Rice: Masquerade of Angels. Both authors state that the classical book Gone with the Wind by Margareth Mitchell was very likely channeled. (See pdf). A relevant question is: what else is channeled in our life? Or better: what is NOT channeled? John Keel wrote in his book Operation Trojan Horse that even Malcom X had encountered a Man In Black during his time in Jail. So the Nation of Islam was channeled too? As the Book of Mormon was?