The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Chasing an Elusive God by Ray Vincent (2013)

This is an interesting read. The writer combes through the Bible, Church history, beliefs and practice doing what the title suggests. Some of it is a bit Tom Price and like him the writer is a little elusive himself about areas of his own convitions leaving the reader to form his own conclusions about many issues that are stired up. The overall impression he gives imo is that it is well worth the chase. It was a nice change not to have some guy with all the answeres telling me what’s what on every page. This guy is a thinker! Recomended. The authur is a retired Baptist minister and university chaplain in Wales. I picked this up in my local library - some chance in far away Australia I would think hey! :confused: Chris

Sorry for my ignorance, but who is Tom Price?

Owing that ChrisB is an Australian, I initially thought the reference may be to the western Australian mining town named Tom Price. Nah! I am confused which author is referred to as well? The Washington bloke?

Ok guys N T Wright (sorry dyslexic moment!) Reasearch Professor of NT and Early Christianity at Unit of St Andrews Scotland. Was Anglican Bishop of Durham. Has 50 books to his credit. Latest book (at least one I have read) Suprised By Hope. Addresses much of the country of interest to Christian Universalists. He gives the impression of being something of annihilationist very critical of the current uncritical majority position ECT. Answers to Tom rather than Nicholas hence Tom Wright. I think you are thinking of Mt Tom Price a mining town in Western Australia. Nice try though! Chris