The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Christmas as Sci-Fi

The original “Greetings, Earthlings” is “Peace to earth, goodwill to men”.
Christmas is the true, real world Sci-Fi story where the aliens (angels) greet earth with good news of a coming invasion of the cosmos from a foreign kingdom, but it will be a kingdom of peace, joy, and goodwill. It’s King is GOOD. It’s otherworldly, alien, and Awesome. It’s renewing the earth. It’s light penetrates all darkness. It’s here to stay. And it comes in the form of a baby. This is reconnaissance of the mostly heavenly form with good intentions and GOSPEL for ALL! All it’s enemies will be subdued. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess and swear allegiance to this King. Even death cannot defeat this invasion. Resurrection establishes its stake on this planet, and eventually with one accord every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and in the sea will shout “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honor, glory and might, forever and ever”.
Come, let us adore HIM!

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A clever and edifying way to put it, Ben! Thanks for posting.

Thank you DaveB2.0!
I’m happy to hear you were edified by it! It was a fun thought for me which led me to worship, and I shared with that possibly being the experience of others in this forum.


Nanu-nanu :vulcan_salute: