The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Conditional Futurism: New Perspective of End-Time Prophecy

Wipf and Stock contracted me to complete the working title Conditional Futurism: New Perspective of End-Time Prophecy. Prior to this contract, I already posted four blog articles related to the book. See below:

Conditional Futurism in Sum

The Conditional Apocalypse of King Nebuchadnezzar

Nebuchadnezzar and the Kings in Revelation

The Kings of the Earth in Heaven

See the working Table of Contents below:

1: Conditional Futurism in Sum
2: Interpretation of End-Time Prophecy
3: Genesis and the Mosaic Covenant
4: The Davidic Dynasty and Psalms
5: Isaiah
6: Jeremiah
7: Prince Gog from the Land of Magog
8: Zechariah
9: Daniel
10: The Gospels
11: Acts
12: The Letters of Paul
13: The Letters of Peter and Jude
14: An Eighth King
15: The Nations and the Kings of the Earth
16: The Devil
17: Reflections
Subject Index
Author Index
Scripture Index

Looks more nifty every time I see a new announcement on it. :smiley:

Congratulations on getting this far!