This has been a bit of a struggle for me. Considering that no Organized Religion has ever been able to give us the fullness of Jesus. Even if many claim to give us the fullness of truth. However, it seems from experience, organized religion often times, but this does seem like a common attitude in the Ancient Churches(Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian, and Roman Catholic), and Restorationist(Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormons and others who reject hellism for annihilation). And there are some Protestants who take a denominationist attitude.
Which got me wondering about whether the Church was really meant to be a single bureaucratic system? Or whether Church is something entirely different? Now I have no problem with Church systems, and they can be a source of good. If they are related to properly. I have a book called “Healing Spiritual abuse and Religious Addiction”, which explains about how many can make religion into an idol blocking a true relationship with God.
And this also has me wondering about all those councils in the early Church that sought to weed out heresy and establish orthodoxy. If they were necessary, or politically motivated?