There is a lot we can find out that is NOT propaganda at all - it’s like, facts, dude.
Oh - and what did you think about the Facebook article above?
There is a lot we can find out that is NOT propaganda at all - it’s like, facts, dude.
Oh - and what did you think about the Facebook article above?
I only saw one side and one professional opinion. I like to see more professional opinions and more sides first. Before I make up my mind. Especially from Nerd publications, that deal with software and such.
They did directly quote Facebook, of course.
It’s no secret that Mark Z. has leftist leanings (at least, I think this is true). I’m NOT sure, about the founders of Google. Or those who currently run Google.
I do remember sending out a Twitter tweet, regarding a BBC story about Facebook. Someone criticized me for sending it out. When I inquired about it, they were more put off by Mark Z. - with his leftest sentiments. Of course, if I am wrong about Mark - I stand to be corrected.
For most stuff printed, I keep an open mind. And see if other publications and professional opinions - support it. Or give different spins.
So I will keep an open mind, to your story. And see if anyone else - talks about it - in the media, on the Internet or in email publications I receive
The understanding of what life is, and what it means is, I believe, inherently different for the right and left.
Clearly different yet both have goals that sound good! The “leftists” mantra is “equality” and the “rightists” is freedom. Both sound good but to some extent they contradict each other and also what is the pathway to each goal? Even to folks within each camp they often have different pathways to reach their goals.
Bawer makes Trump’s position sound so reasonable, while presuming “brainwashing by news media, teachers and professors.” I see Bawer’s position as an attitude possibly fostered by his faithfulness to Trump. In actuality, Trump began by saying he would keep out all Muslims. But when he saw this wouldn’t wash with Americans, he altered it to keeping out those who, through vetting, appeared to be possible terrorists.
I disagree. Leftists do not have the goal of equality—unless they are Communists. Their goal is equal opportunity, and they believe in freedom just as much as the right. However, they do oppose economic monopoly, where a few get sickeningly rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.
By the way, I am not a leftist. I have voted Conservative in every Canadian election, except one when I was 19. That one time, and only that one time, I voted NDP just to be different. Also, as a mature man, I ran as a candidate for a party that was further right than the Conservatives.
The only reason that I am defending the left, is that I believe a false perception of them is being portrayed by several members in this forum. I think it is important to face the reality of that for which the left actually promotes.
Well, I was watching the BBC and CBS news programs tonight. And I see there are:
Civilians coming with boats, all the way from Louisiana - to help out.
The Coast Guard is helping out.
Locals with boats are helping out.
The Red Cross is helping out
The entire Texas national guard - is helping out.
And even President Trump , is doing his part - at the federal level
But this story disturbs me:
Joel Osteen’s Houston Megachurch Blasted For Closing As Thousands Are Displaced
Well, Joel. I like your TV program. And I will still watch it. But I’m also sharing this story, to my approximately 35 K Twitter followers. Christianity is also about Christian charity. Or did you might this message - when going through the Bible?
But hopefully, this explanation is sound - according to the article:
But this article, seems to contradict that:
Joel Osteen shuts megachurch amid flooding crisis
I have to agree. I support the conservative values that Republicans and Right Wingers like. Which is in harmony, with conservative evangelical, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theology.
But I also support, a universal health care system - for the US.
So, the first item is supported by right wingers. And the second, by left wingers.
And I even went so far, as to start watching Fox news. Which all the Trump fans like. But I also watch CNN , the BBC and the local Chicago TV newscasts.
It’s kind of reminds me of the civil trial, where I was a jurist.
The plaintiff lawyer presented his case
The defense lawyer presented his case.
The trial judge gave his instructions
But the jury all came together, to make the right decision. And the judge did meet with us afterwards, to give us certificates. A question was asked then, to the judge:
And the judge said this, with regard to our decision and compensation for the plaintiff
Not everyone is on either a “right wing” or “left wing” bandwagon. But when both sides “present the evidence”, I think many folks - can make the right decision.
Don, you said: “I disagree. Leftists do not have the goal of equality—unless they are Communists. Their goal is equal opportunity, and they believe in freedom just as much as the right. However, they do oppose economic monopoly, where a few get sickeningly rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.”
That may be true in Canada; it is manifestly not true in the States. The Left here is obviously not the Left up there; a world of difference.
I’ve been pointing out lies and corruption on the Left; one reason I do it is to offset the Trump derangement syndrome of the Left. If I did not bring these things up, they would not get brought up. But anything anti-Trump gets ink here like it does everywhere, it seems.
If pointing out lies and corruption - not opinions, but factual lies and corruption that appear to be aimed at the foundation of America with the aim of transforming it into something unrecognizable - if pointing out truths is being unfair to the Left, well then, I’m unfair.
Well, this is the problem, at least here in the USA. I find myself definitely more conservative but left leaning in certain area’s, but the problem here in the USA is that I am in the middle class and I am unfortunately expected to pay for others lack of … whatever. I and my wife both work full time jobs and she is going to school to advance her ability to work and make more money, I have outside work beside my ‘DAY JOB’ so we can get to where we want to be and help out the kids etc… etc… etc…
To be honest, we really have to get after it to pay for everything. We have done that in the past and we are both blessed with relatively good health at this point, but it is getting increasingly difficult.
Many in the ‘I am entitled’ culture, do not seem to understand where the food stamps and the Medicare/Medicaid funds come from. They come from me… And those hard working folks like me. And I have no problem helping and advancing those who need help but get pretty pissed in paying for those butt heads who decide they would rather ride on a government check, than go try to be productive for the society.
Bad JuJu
Steve 7150 wrote:
Clearly different yet both have goals that sound good! The “leftists” mantra is “equality” and the “rightists” is freedom.
I disagree. Leftists do not have the goal of equality—unless they are Communists. Their goal is equal opportunity, and they believe in freedom just as much as the right. However, they do oppose economic monopoly, where a few get sickeningly rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.
The “left” believe in freedom just as much as the “right”??? Maybe in Canada , no way Jose in the USA, not even close!
This is a fundamental difference between the two. Core fundamental difference! Also here in the USA leftists believe in total equality, not just equal opportunity. I’m a right winger and i support equal opportunity! Plus i don’t support monopolies, i’m not sure Canada and the USA have the same definitions.
Yes. As of now, tech companies are blacklisting far-right websites; The Daily Stormer and Stormfront for example have been shut down. Now you might think this is of no concern because you aren’t Nazis and fascists; but these companies are going after more mainstream Right websites, not to mention that said companies listen to outfits like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which plays fast and loose with who and what they consider to be “hate.”
Be worried.
Remember George Orwell? 1984? He also wrote Animal Farm, in which he was pointing to the dangers of - Orwellianism? - better known as Leftism. He was an astute critic, and this is a fun piece talking about Animal Farm and Orwell.
A snippet:
“Indeed, it was precisely the leftist totalitarians’ habit of embroidering their murderous pursuit of power with professions of “equality,” “fairness,” and “egalitarianism” that so often allowed them to employ any means necessary to achieve their supposedly exalted ends. In sum, in Orwell’s eyes, the radical Left’s erasure of historical memory and its distortion of reality through the manipulation of language were the chief threat of the 20th century.”
That’s the Left in America right now - it may be different in your country.
Read more at: … mmandments
In the Nerd and Geek worlds, we are in constant battles over:
Which phone system is better - Google Android or Apple?
Which operating system is better - Windows, Apple or Linux?
Well, you can get experts from each camp. And they give their professional opinions - in articles. At the end of the day, it boils down to this: it’s a matter of personal choice.
Some folks think if you read and watch enough experts - of a right wing orientation - guess what? You will see the light. The same could be said, for those of the left wing.
Actually, I personally think that contemplation - makes you more objective.
I use “New Thought” contemplation - via the Fox Golden Key - to focus on God’s omnipresence and goodness.This helps to change circumstances.
I use the Buddhist and Eastern contemplation of Mindfulness, Zen and Yoga, to change my reaction to circumstances.
And from the Native American, medicine men and women…I hung around with - over the years…I learn to walk in balance
And I use my understanding, in harmony with the teachings - of the Christian faith.
Maybe one day, the Nerd issues of the best phone system…and best operating system…will be settled. But I doubt it. Just as I doubt, that the issues of the left wing…and right wing, will be settled.
Notice that during the hurricane, all the news channels are providing coverage. But they are refraining from commentary. Once things settle down and they focus again on Trump. Then we can expect, more right wing and left wing “commentary”.
And least I forget. Joel Osteen did respond to all the Twitter criticism - for ABC News:
Joel Osteen: Houston megachurch to shelter people if needed
Now we just need a definition of “if needed”. Who determines that and what is the criteria Here’s what Joel says - from the article:
Osteen says the church “will continue to be a distribution center for those in need” and is “prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity.”
I think that you think that I need a therapist? That I have OCD, am unbalanced, am perhaps mentally rabid?
What I did was post about Orwell - kinda like the Opening Post asked about. I don’t need to ask a medicine man, a shaman, the Buddha, anyone on the Red Road, or take medicinal herbs (As good as those things may be!) to be able to talk sense about Animal Farm.
I am ‘yelling’ too loud? - about a washed-out bridge ahead, that Americans in great numbers are not aware of. And I’ll continue to do it, even though I’m aware that it is not of interest - at this time - or at least not compared to Trump’s hair.
I think that you think that I need a therapist? That I have OCD, am unbalanced, am perhaps mentally rabid?
What I did was post about Orwell - kinda like the Opening Post asked about. I don’t need to ask a medicine man, a shaman, the Buddha, anyone on the Red Road, or take medicinal herbs (As good as those things may be!) to be able to talk sense about Animal Farm.
I am ‘yelling’ too loud? - about a washed-out bridge ahead, that Americans in great numbers are not aware of. And I’ll continue to do it, even though I’m aware that it is not of interest - at this time - or at least not compared to Trump’s hair.
No, David. I had this conversation, with someone here before. Only a degree holder and state licensed therapist or counselor. Or a state licensed and degree holding psychiatrist. Can make a determination regarding mental health. And only after a in-person consultation.
As far as medicine men and women go, I believe that God - can talk to them. Just like he can talk to both Christians - and non-Christians today. And they can talk to what I feel, are “spirits of the Earth” (a term that best describes them, from the book The Pipe and Christ: A Christian-Sioux Dialogue. By Roman Catholic priest by William Stolzman). And that the plants and animals - can talk to them. And vice verse.
I believe we did all that stuff…and all the “mystical” stuff - in the biographies of saints and shamans - in the Garden of Eden (whatever that was).
I put more stock in these and personal visions, then I do in “experts”. But the medicine men and women will warn us, about having nature out of balance. And that could potentially be our destruction.
As far as Animal Farm goes. I watch the “experts” on Fox News, CNN and the BBC. If they have something interesting to say…And it strikes a cord in me…I will research it.
So let me pose this question - to you and Steve. If enough people read these “experts”…and become what I call “super right winger conservatives” (whatever that is)…this would stop Animal Farm…or Left Behind…or 1984 - from happening?
“So let me pose this question - to you and Steve. If enough people read these “experts”…and become what I call “super right winger conservatives” (whatever that is)…this would stop Animal Farm…or Left Behind…or 1984 - from happening?” - Randy
Oh come on, R, I am of course ‘super’, but not right-winger-conservative, for goodness’ sake.
Yelling ‘the bridge is out’ might stop some fools from driving over the edge into the abyss.
Left Behind? Not my cup 0’ tea.
I try not to rob legitimate issues of their force by pointing to a dozen other non-related issues.
Much depends on our orientation. Ultimately, God is in charge. But God works with us - depending on our faith and perspective. So watching someone like Joel Osteen on TV - can help. And I will still watch him. Regardless of his current helping hand position - for the Texas hurricane disaster.
Or we can work to change reality. At least, our own. By contemplating in the traditions of Mary Baker Eddy, Joel Goldsmith and Emmet Fox.
And perhaps we can change reality, by reading and watching - all these right wing experts.
They are different paths. It’s doubtful I can get folks here - to join my contemplation path. But I’m really NOT, trying to persuade them.
And I don’t think Dave and Steve, will get folks - to become super right wingers. Unless they already on that path.
My path brings a better world for me - hopefully. And Dave and Steve’s path, might also bring a better world - for me - hopefully.
But if God envisions our end by Left Behind, 1984 or Animal farm. Then neither mine nor Dave and Steve’s approach - will change God’s mind.
Maybe it’s like Pulp Fiction. Where Samuel and John, visit the college students. And Samuel asks, if he can try that tasty Kahuna burger. And wash it down, with a tasty Sprite. Well, NOT offering these items to him - or offering them to him. Might not really, change the outcome - for the college students.
So let me pose this question - to you and Steve. If enough people read these “experts”…and become what I call “super right winger conservatives” (whatever that is)…this would stop Animal Farm…or Left Behind…or 1984 - from happening?
First as i have repeated often, i’m not a super right winger, i’m mostly pro capitalism and free speech and free thought. You may want to check out “The Thought Police” by Tammy Bruce an ex-leftist.
So yes It might stop Animal Farm from happening or am i missing some profound point flying over my head?? However i wouldn’t want super right wingers running the country either. Obviously political extremism is dangerous.
But if God envisions our end by Left Behind, 1984 or Animal farm. Then neither mine nor Dave and Steve’s approach - will change God’s mind.
Changing God’s mind is not the point. God gave us all “talents” and he called the one who didn’t develop and use his to be “wicked” so i think we should use our God given brains to try to honestly strive to be good stewards and make things better. Obviously God has the final word but until then we need to keep on , keeping on!