The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Does anybody here remember "Chick Tracts"?

Hi Melchi -

I’ve not heard of Rebecca Brown. What did she get up to in her spare time - nothing good I should think? Do tell more, adn about the Chick connection. any information we share on this horrible phenomena (that is, people tacking Chick tracts seriously) has to be worthwhile i think.

Did you ever know anyone who bought into Satan conspiracy theories?



Yes, there were a series of books (3, I think) written by “Rebecca Brown, M.D.” back in the late '80s. I believe the first one was titled “He came to set the captives free”. I’m pretty sure it was Chick’s publishing company that published them. Some years later, Dr. Brown and Elaine were exposed as frauds, as well as mentally unstable. I’m fairly certain you can google it.

Oh, loads of Christians in the 80’s were eating this stuff up…

Absolutely, dude! I had this idea myself not too long ago and even came up with some half-assed ideas, heh. It’s awesome that someone else has thought of this, too!

I’m also a pretty good artist, so that solves that. And I’m an experienced writer and amateur theologian. :wink:

In fact, I was planning on doing them by myself, but I don’t have near enough time to spearhead something like that on my own. Glad I found this when I did.

So as to not hijack this thread, I created a new thread on this topic… :slight_smile:

Good luck to you both on the unChick Universalist comix - I was a bit glum about the idea wasn’t I? Put it down to middle age :laughing: .

Rich blessings on your project - look forward to seeing the finished product someday :smiley:

All the best
