Another article in the Seattle Times concerning Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll:
Mars Hill Pastor Mark Driscoll: Mormonism is a cult
These newspaper pieces on him seem to draw a whole bunch of comments. The article links to his paper on Mormonism.
Here is the last paragraph of his paper:
To me this whole thing is not really about loving concern for the eternal state of Mormons but rather an attempt to keep the members of Mars Hill sufficiently scared that they too may also be worshiping a false god if their beliefs are not 100% orthodox and the only way to maintain 100% orthodox beliefs and therefore guarantee heaven is to believe what Mars Hill tells them to believe.
In other words fear is a favored control mechanism of the Mars Hill leadership.
It seems to me that cults operate foundationally upon fear.
Ironic isn’t it.
I only care about this because I live in the Puget Sound area where some churches in my view are affected or maybe I should say infected by Mars Hill and this sort of fear mongering cultishness.
Maybe I’m totally off base here but this kind of stuff really makes me angry.