Dave, Tuggy states (7.25) that “the one true God, for Justin, is the God of the Jews. … Justin is a Unitarian.” This is false assumption. Tuggy also has no concept of the purpose of subnumeration and subordination within the trinity. For Tuggy, it must be all or nothing. Justin says: “We worship and adore both Him and the Son who came from Him… and the prophetic spirit.” (8.30) Tuggy says that ‘Justin worships other creatures, and this does not suppose that he held them to be equally divine with the father’. This, to me, is dishonest. Tuggy is creating a false dichotomy by using one extreme of trinitarianism (equally divine) to catapult his Unitarian assumptions. Tuggy again says: “Justin is not a trinitarian… but he is a unitarian.” (9.56). This is a dishonest statement. It is an argument by silence. Just because Justin did not spell out his views comprehensively, the chance is there to exploit his silence, and make him preach that which he never did. Tuggy’s emphasis of the *definite article *is also sloppy research, as has been mentioned on another thread.
Again Tuggy asks: “who, according to Irenaeus, is the one true God? Is it the trinty? or the Father of Jesus?” (12.50) This type of inquiry is dishonest. He has created a false dichotomy of choices based on his own limited understanding. This is similar reasoning that Jehovah’s Witnesses use to bait their unsuspecting inquirer. I don’t care too much for this kind of inquirey because I think it is baiting. I haven’t watched more because I have seen enough. Sorry. I don’t mean to offend you.