Kelly Cahill’s book “Encounter” (1993) is a must read for Bible students. There is so much information in it about the world of demons. First we learn that Kelly prayed to her Father for a sign. At the same moment her husband saw a light flash on the horizon. This means that all our prayers are immediately being registered somewhere in the universe. But it is not only God who listens to our prayers. Satan is still there.
The beings she had encountered were stereotype Dracula beings whom she called “incubus”. They had skinny bodies and red glowing eyes. They only appeared in the dark. In a later stage when she and her husband encountered a group of these beings who were involved in a ufo landing, they were hostile and agressive towards Kelly and her husband. First they shouted that they wanted to kill Kelly and her husband.
And there was a kind of interaction between Kelly her husband and these entities. They have sarcastic humor and claimed to be her father. They referred to Kelly’s prayer. They spoke perfectly English. Kelly shouted at them and they arrogantly asked her to keep her mouth shut.
Only when Kelly prayed to God - but forgot to name Jesus - these being seemed to be a bit confused. The leader of this gang touched Kelly on her shoulder. Everyone “out there” could have responded to her praying to her “Father”. Something that really draw my attention was that the incubus told her in a dream that she had murdered someone, which was not true of course. But the explanation for it was that these beings used her morals to temper her fear. Feeling guilty was a way to take away fear.
For more information I refer to Lynn Catoe’s research on UFOs and demons.