I have also read the Dutch translation of Thomas Talbott’s Inescapable Love of God. I dedicated my website to the theology of the salvation of all. As a former atheist a new world was opened to me when I read the studies of Adolph Ernest Knoch. But now I want to make my point. I have been obsessed with Atlantis all my life, especially during my youth. So I have tried to discover Atlantis in the Bible. First I thought it was Tarshish. But after long research I discovered that Tarshis is Great Britain (not Spain) while Ophir is the city of Opis on the Tigris. Then I discovered that Atlantis is nothing else than End Times Babylon. It was mirrored in time and space and fits within the principle of Tzafon. Babylon is both the northern and eastern dimension of Tzafon while the Sphinx in Cairo is the southern dimension. In Exodus 14 the sphinx is named baal tzafon. Plato’s Atlantis was the western dimension on the horizon. For this mirroring principle I used the book Cydonia Codex by George Haas and Williamd Saunders. In Zacharia 5:11 the rebuilding of Babylon is mentioned. In Revelation 1718 we read about its rise and fall. This is precisely what happened to Atlantis. The two storylines of Athens and Atlantis seem even to cover the ministries of the apostles John and Paul. I believe that the End Times will begin around 2030, two thousand years after the resurrection. To my opinion End Times Babylon has to be rebuilt before that time. A great book on Babylon was written by Andrew Scheil: Babylon Under Western Eyes. My 600 page book on Atlantis as Babylon is free on the internet. The bad news: it is in Dutch language.
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