The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Eschatological View

:laughing: The Fluffy clouds view!!! Can’t say I buy into that one, though it does seem harmless!

The Partial Preterist view seems to me to be the best explanation of Jesus words in Matt 24-25 when Jesus Links the temple destruction to the judgement coming on Israel and all the unfolding events that happen in AD 70. If Revelation was written pre AD 70 then this explains why John views everything as happening shortly. This view seems to me to have the most consistency with the Book of Daniel and also the book of Jeremiah. This view also helps me make the most sense of Jesus words regarding Ghenna. But I am no end time Guru and plan to give my real opinion at some later time when I actually study it :slight_smile:

Would you believe I actually only discovered the preterist view this year? I’m still befuddled by it, perhaps because I tend to believe that there are prophecies regarding the reestablishment of the Jewish nation and events which shall unfold in its aftermath. That’s not written in stone–oh, wait, I have to consult Moses on that one. :wink:

While I see the plausibility of this “new” preterist view (new, as in new to me, of course), it almost makes me feel deflated, like all has been fulfilled and we have nothing to look forward to, other than whatever is destined to happen either in our lifetime or ages hence. A bit disconcerting, don’t you think?

Nevertheless, I am very intrigued, and I would like more information on the preterist perspective. Any suggestions on reading material?


I think there is a site called the preterist archive, but if I remember right, it is fairly heavily geared toward full preterism. Just something to be aware of.

I voted Pan. In fact, it seems I’ve been increasingly seeing where the kingdom of God continues to grow and grow, effecting more and more positive change in whole nations of people. I wonder if the parable of the mustard seed is a picture of things to come, where the smallest of all seeds grew and grew until it became a bush in which the birds (nations) came to rest in. I wonder if the defeatest mentality is not crippling the church. Defeatest - things are going to get worse and worse until it gets so bad that God has to intervene and destroy everything. Hmm, I wonder.

Amillennialist at the moment, but could be persuaded by partial preterism. Pre-mill worries me the most, especially in its Christian Zionism guise.


Aaron (A regular Poster on this board) Has some really good arguements (in my opinion) for the partial Preterist view on this thread here:

Maybe Aaron can pipe in here and mention other threads here where he’s described his view. I’ve found them all to be very compelling. Though Aaron’s view on Satan and the Trinity I am not ready to buy into yet :slight_smile:

Also, the partial preterist doesn’t see all fulfilled like a full preterist does, so no need to be deflated as you mention above. I believe the Partial Preterist view sees matt 24 and Rev 1-19 fulfilled. But Partial Preterists see Matt 25 and Rev 20-22 as still yet to be fulfilled.

The table on this site below shows the basic difference between partial and full. And you can see that there is alot left to look forward to!!

having grown up with a large dollop of pre-trib views…i finally managed to reject that on the grounds that there are many views and each can “back it up with Scripture”…
so i said panmillenialist, as i don’t have a clue how, but it’ll definitely all pan out in the end lol
more specifically i’d say i’m largely agnostic on the subject.
hmm yet another doctrinal topic i have to claim agnosticism in lol!

Haha. I think I’m right there with you corpse!
The only thing I am really sure if is that Godloves the whole world

My Grandfather claimed to be a “Pan-Tribulationist” for the same reasons :laughing:

Thanks, Awe! I am gradually getting to know the board; there is much that I want to read, consider and scrutinize in my own studies. I definitely want to look at Aaron’s partial Preterist perspectives. (Ooh, a theological thoughts tongue twister–or two!)

Now, as for Satan and the Trinity, the former shall be redeemed; the latter is polytheistic.


I’m still not clear on what exactly all of the options are, but since I do believe that Jesus’ apocalyptic proclamations (for the most part at least) were fulfilled in 70AD, and I am certainly loathe to believe that this is all that there will ever be, I put down partial preterist.

You’re not alone! lol!

Heiser does a GREAT breakdown on how you can plausibly interpret any of the major eschatological views from scripture:

As for myself, I think that there is definitely some great overlap in the truth, and that there is plenty of both “now but not yet” stuff going on along with perhaps cyclical recurrences. And though I think that much of the popular eschatology these days is pretty half-baked, they do seem to have some pretty frightening insight into modern world events. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Yes, I totally agree with your viewpoint here. I’m not certain what exactly panmillenialism entails (a quick search on Google didn’t really give much in the way of results) but if that’s what it means then I’m highly inclined to agree. :smiley:

I’m agnostic in some respects, but I definitely believe that there will be a very real “coming” of the Son of Man and that He will be revealed bodily in some way in the midst of that (as He has done anyway for many since His resurrection), but that this cannot precede a more thorough, general revelation to the people of the world to prepare them - and that there will be great trials and tribulations in the meantime, since “we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God…” Acts 14:22

And I think that there will probably be gradual stages of renewal, cleansing and transformation of the earth, and that much of this will happen through the church (and has been happening in very gradual ways up until this point already).

Beyond these general assertions, though, I remain mostly agnostic.

And this is coming from a guy who’s had visions of the future! :open_mouth: :astonished: :laughing:

I am the lone Futurist. :laughing:

I dont even understand what the first 4 are in this poll… :nerd:

lol, that’s one reason i went for the last option!
i don’t even know if futurism is linked to pre-, mid- and post- trib…


Yes it’s linked to that. I still say pre-trib makes the most sense. :slight_smile:

fair enough! it makes more sense to me than mid or post trib.

Definitely. :slight_smile:

Once I read Revelation a couple times, I’ll tell ya.

Thanks for the preterist link, Awe, and thanks for the video link, stellar renegade. I am going to read/listen to these and try to make some sense of this whole preterist/partial-preterist thing. It’s all relatively new to me, and I have quite a bit of research to do.

So much for my theologically enlightened pretensions. :slight_smile:

Hi Psalmist. Having read your posts for some time and having received encouragement from you (and your musical musings) I await your studies into this topic with more than a passing interest. hen you’ve done the research, please tell me what I should believe.
My background is pre-millen pre/mid trib rapture. Whilst I am no longer as confident in such a view, I have yet to see a convincing interpretation to the text where Jesus says he will return in like manner as they saw him go (and a physical manifestation seems an integral part of the resurrection gospel), from preterists.