The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Faith and Religion; Pro & Con

God has taken me on a quite a journey of faith to where I am now. He has certainly used fathering my children and my deepest desire to do that well to pave the way of my understanding. As I thought about my own upbringing and looked around to those I was going to church with raising their children I realized there had to be a better way. I thought to myself, " what better way and example to parent then God the father" and that is where 20 plus years of religion began to be dissolved by faith and the leading of the spirit.

I have a secure and deep faith that our God loves all and has redeemed all (past tense). I don’t always have proof texts for all that I cling to but I find I need them less and less the more I know my father.

What I have found is that everytime something creeps up in my mind to challenge my faith, everytime a passage of scripture arises that challenges my belief it is the religion that I was raised with that prompts the thought. It is the interpretation of the text that I was taught for so long that challenges. When I lean into my relationship of my father God all doubts subside.

I guess what I am saying is that my relationship and experience of faith screams that He loves all and saves all. Religion and my upbringing in it is the only thing that contradicts. What are your experiences with this? It is interesting to me that the only thing that seems to really stand opposed to this understanding of a truly loving God is a construct of religions and traditions of men, nothing that God instituted or created.

I try my very best to simply lead my children (6, 8, 10, & 12) to truth and let it/Him open their hearts and understanding as to opposed to the indoctrination that I received as a child. It is astounding the understanding that they take away from certain biblical texts when they are not pre-disposed to some doctrinal leaning.

I would love to hear what some of you have to say from your experiences.

Great thoughts here, bro :slight_smile: I can relate, and feel much the same way you do about all of this, even though we have different backgrounds, and I would like to try and raise my kids (whenever I have any, if I have any… getting married this December, so that may not be far away :slight_smile:) in much the same way you are trying to raise yours. :slight_smile:

I’ll try to get back to this later and share some of my thoughts, but until then, blessings to you bro, and thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


For me, over a period of a few years, I encountered the judgment of God a few different times. Each time I came away with a profound realization of just how wicked I am and just how profoundly God our Father loves me. At one point I was so overwhelmed with the reality of my own self-righteousness and hypocrisy that I cried for two weeks, weeping and gnashing my teeth. My family thought I had lost my senses, but in reality I had gained them. It was a life changing experience! I finally came to the realization that apart from God there was absolutely nothing pure about me; all my righteousness was polluted like a used menstrual pad. Nasty from the inside out, through and through! That’s me in my selfish nature!

This reality turned out not only to be humbling, but also very liberating. God loved and valued me anyhow! There was nothing that I could do to earn our Father’s love. All I could do was live in it and seek to love others with the same love. This set me up to accept the truth of Total Depravity and even Unconditional Election, but it did nothing to erode my belief in God loving all humanity, the Elect and the non-elect. I see now that this set me up to be open to accept in faith scripture that seems to affirm UR and to be open to seeing just how little, if any, evidence there is in scripture to support ECT.

This then opened my understanding to what “our” means in the Lord’s prayer - all of humanity, which emboldened me to accept in faith the brotherhood of all humanity. One week the Lord was dealing with me upon this truth. I’d find myself meditating upon it and beginning to see others as my brother, even total strangers. One day on the way to work I passed a homeless man sleeping under a bridge and the Lord said to me, “What would you do if that was Ronnie (my brother)?” My son and I were car-pooling and he too came under a heavy conviction from the Lord from the Lord, simultaneously. It was like the Lord came and sat in the car with us. Well, long story short, I ended up coming back for the man after dropping my son off work. He was still under the bride (almost an hour later). I took him to breakfast, Walmart for some new clothes and to wash up in the rest room, took him an hour north (when I work south) to drop off at a bus station, and helped him buy a ticket to his brothers. The kicker- it turns out the man’s name was RONNIE! Wild huh!

So yes, experience does play a powerful role in me coming to believe that Jesus truly is the savior of all!

btw, I too have four children, 7, 11, 19, 22, and am raising 2 foster kids, 2 and 9, and thinking of taking in more. It’s like I can’t imagine having a big enough family! And thankfully, my wife loves children as much as I do. We hope to adopt a bunch.

Pleased to meet you sanctified

Perhaps that is something I could learn from you.
Specifically, how do you do this?

God bless

What I mean by that is that I stop and get quiet. I begin to call to memory all the things that He has brought me through, all the ways He has comforted, provided, loved, blessed. The shape of His grace and love comes into focus when sometimes I had not been “keeping my eyes on” Him. I begin to think about What I believe He has done pertaining to justification and sanctification and… Peace. The realization of what I already know settles on me, I am his child, He loves me, and great are His affections for me, and for everyone. He cannot abide that any would remain outside of himself.

For me there is no need for proof texts and theology majors and pulpit pounding and hand wringing and, and, and. It is about faith that I cannot prove, it is simply a knowing.

I’m sure there are a great many people that could debate me and say that I need “more than just feelings” but I am very content to live in faith and simply enjoy a father who is without equal.

Blessings to you as well.

P.s. I have to say it is really great to write something and have someone respond, it has been a pretty long and dry time in mine and my wife’s life for meaningful sharing and conversation, thank you all.

That’s such refreshing writing.

I was brought up Pentecostal but I have learned, for me, my access to God is generally through solitude and stillness.
Someone said “you can’t fill a cup that’s already full”. I allow time to empty myself of ‘myself’ in God’s presence and He draws near.
I have found such peace and energy in doing this and yet I can find a million excuses not to.The question arose in my heart as to why this is. I then realised that it involves an act of surrender and the ego fights against it.
Thank you for reminding me its time I spent more time with my God. I owe you.
As for the “more than just feelings” that people throw around. All I can say is that the book doesn’t say “use the collection of 66 writings I’m going to give you as the Living Word” it says “the Spirit shall be your Guide”.

May God encourage you and your wife in your ministry together.


Sorry it took awhile to reply, I was “disconnected” technologically for a few days while my son and I went to the mountains and did just we are discussing, VERY refreshing time. I’m glad I could share something encouraging to you. The fact that you said it was encouraging was in itself encouraging to me :wink:

God is GOOD!