I agree with you, Paidion.
Also, to Robert, when the Bible speaks of perfect love casting out fear, I believe it is saying that the love of God, which is given to us, then embraced by us, as well, drives out fear. Only God’s love is perfect. Once we accept it, it begins to transform us into new creations. I believe that the more we trust in God, and His perfect will for us, the more fear dissipates. Trust in God and fear are opposing forces, as we cannot truly fear, when we trust God, for we will know that He takes care of us and our every need. And, we come to accept that all things truly work out for our good, when we love God and are called to His purpose. And, I believe trust is a natural outcome of loving God.
I have been told that the phrase or thought to ‘fear not’ is the thought most often spoken by Jesus, in the NT.
I understand that…raised in an extremely fearful environment, I did all the ‘right’ things, but often for fear, more than for love. It took me many years to reverse that pattern, and realize the dynamics of my situation. Of course, it was God’s strength, not my own, that allowed me to see and ‘be transformed by the renewing of my mind’.
I believe the ‘terror’ of falling into the hands of a living God is the kind of terror one feels when we are put into a situation in which we need to let go of
‘self’ and allow God to fill our being…to die to self, and allow God to live through us, becoming the best us we can be. Likened to gold being purified.
Not sure about the verse to destroy body and soul. I looked at it again this morning, and that one is confusing to me, too.
Let me sit on that one and I will get back here on the weekend, if I have more to offer.
My two cents.