I’m really not trying to convince you, or rock anybody’s boat. The subject I think is very interesting and does get to the heart of who God is, though, and that’s why I like to study it.
In Acts, Jesus was prayed to. In Romans, Paul gives him the highest praise short of the praise given to the Father. In the rest of the NT there is nothing said of Jesus that is not of the highest glory and honor, short of the Father. I think, personally, that Jesus is worth the worship we give him.
I’m not sure, as I’ve said, that this is a big deal or not, but I certainly don’t want to pursue the subject as a means of troubling consciences or dividing folks from one another. The book is worth reading, but there are lots of books worth reading…
I myself keep getting drawn to this sort of reasoning:
“The proposition, that there is one God, seems to us exceedingly plain. We understand by it, that there is one being, one mind, one person, one intelligent agent, and one only, to whom underived and infinite perfection and dominion belong. We conceive, that these words could have conveyed no other meaning to the simple and uncultivated people who were set apart to be the depositaries of this great truth, and who were utterly incapable of understanding those hair- breadth distinctions between being and person, which the sagacity of later ages has discovered. We find no intimation, that this language was to be taken in an unusual sense, or that God’s unity was a quite different thing from the oneness of other intelligent beings.” Channing