I just launched a new website you folks might be interested in – GeorgeMacDonaldQuotes.com. It includes visual graphics of some of MacDonald’s more notable quotes, several of which are universalist in nature. You can rank specific quotes so that they bubble up to the top of the “top-rated quotes” section in the sidebar. The images are made for downloading and sharing on Facebook, Pinterest websites & blogs, etc. Hope you enjoy.
Great site, Eric. What a resource! Thanks for all your hard work.
Thanks for checking it out, Cindy. It’s a labor of love.
Awesome website Eric. Some really great quotes. Just read the section “About George MacDonald” which was really good. Looking forward to reading your story “George MacDonald Saved my Life”.
Thanks for doing this!
Thanks Caleb. Here’s the direct link to George MacDonald Saved My Life - georgemacdonaldquotes.com/george-macdonald-saved-my-life/
[size=150]Yes, I am most grateful to have been pointed to that website. I have copied the sayings posted as “plaques” into photobucket, and have then copied links to them into a word file, so that I can easily post them on websites! THANK YOU![/size]
Awesome. Glad to hear it, Paidion.
That image/quote is the best. Especially today when everyone wants to define what a Christian is through their convoluted means. I love it. The funny part? Most people will say they agree with MacDonald’s quote until you believe something they don’t approve of… Then all of a sudden - "Well, lets bring out the fine print… Ahh here it is, I think It says here in 1st hesitations that “void where prohibited… salvation may end abruptly… no purchase necessary”
I have a quote from GMac that I’d like to share. I ran across it while re-reading “The Harmony Within - the Spiritual Vision of George MacDonald” by Rolland Hein.
The ‘harmony within’ is a well-chosen title, since the book is a study of the spriritual preparation that is needed for us to cooperate with God; we are meant to form a harmony with Him, but that can only be accomplished with inward ‘tuning’, and his fairy-tales are talking about just that.
Hein: “MacDonald’s thought emphasizes that Calvary REVEALS the suffering of God on behalf of men” - THW page 41, footnote.
MacDonald: “What Jesus did, is what the Father is always doing; the suffering he endured was that of the Father from the foundation of the world, reaching its climax in the person of his Son. God provides the sacrifice; the sacrifice is Himself. He is always, and always has been sacrificing Himself to and for his creatures. It lies in the very essence of his creation of them. The worst heresy - next to that of dividing religion and righteousness - is to divide the Father from the Son - in thought or feeling or action or intent; as representing the Son as doing that which the Father himself does not do” (“Life” - US 2).
Hein: “He is very careful to repudiate any theology that posits a tension between a wrathful Father and a merciful Son whose sufferings pacify the former.”