A random thought. Yes, we are created beings, but what makes us think God has finished his creative work? Sure, he’s had a busy week, and he’s resting on the Sabbath, but he’ll be back in his studio come Monday.
God’s an artist who’s begun his great work, stands back and says it’s good, but is perfectly aware it’s far from finished. In fact, a critic visiting his studio might conclude his great painting is nothing but an evil mess, and say rude things about the artist’s ability, intention and moral character. But the work has only just begun, and the mess is a necessary, but temporary, stage in the creative process. Hence the problem of evil is no problem at all, so long as all the messy elements end up being transformed into something beautiful and harmonious. Basically, evil is the state of things that necessarily exists between the painting’s beginning and the painting’s end.
The resurrected Son (who said “It is finished”) shows the critics what all things will be like when the Father has finished.