This is a question which was just aked to professor Randal Rauser.
*Professor Rauser,
I enjoyed your interview greatly. Debbie raised a very interesting, probing question that, I think, you just didn’t have ample time to answer in depth granted the interview format: how can anyone really be happy in heaven knowing that others are suffering eternally in hell? Debbie referenced the even greater difficulty if, among those others in hell, are loved ones, especially close family members.
Quite frankly, I have no idea how heaven could possibly exist if an eternal hell exists. No matter how wonderful and glorious heaven might be, if at the same time others are suffering eternally in hell, then I would argue that no decent, kind, caring, moral person could ever be even remotely happy. Such knowledge of the suffering of others in hell would forever haunt them and transform heaven into hell itself.*
I agree that’s a real problem. I discuss it at some length in chapter 7 of my book “Faith Lacking Understanding”. I discuss it as well in chapter 19 of “What on Earth do we Know about Heaven?” and also in this short article:
My resolution is twofold. First, I reject eternal conscious torment in favor of annihilationism. Second, in chapter 20 of "What on Earth" I present a hopeful universalist position. Annihilationism (the belief that some will cease to exist after facing posthumous punitive punishment) combined with hopeful universalism (the hope that annihilationism turns out to be wrong such that all are saved) together offer a far more adequate alternative, in my view, than the classic view that the saints will rejoice in the suffering of the reprobate.**
What are your thoughts on that?
I agree that it is absurd to think one could be happy in heaven while knowing that billions of people are being tortured.
BUT I don’t see a real need to be a hopeful universalist like professor Rauser does.
At the risk of once again showing off my Germanic boldness, I could not care less if Hitler or Fred Phelps were to be utterly destroyed.
Please don’t interpret this as an insult or a personal attack.
I might be wrong but I think that I reflect the feeling of the overwhelming majority of human beings.