This article is great inspiration for participating in restoring the world & reconciling people! There’s heaps of good stuff in the article I could quote but to give you a taste…
Being part of the process of restoration makes me consider my life now. Not that all things will be instantly changed like with a stroke with a magic wand, but that I can partake in the work of God and by his power bring about restoration in the world now. I can gain wisdom. In fact I am asked to pray for it! I can seek forgiveness with those i’ve wronged and those who have wronged me. I can consider my life or consumption and waste and think about my role in the world that God called humanity to care for. This seems like the path of wisdom and faith that God would put me on.
Heaven is not just the place or reality where all things will be made right and we will be happy. It’s the knowledge that one day sin will be gone and all that is broken will be restored. We are headed toward there. We are on that journey now. We are in that process now. Let us live with the knowledge of Heaven and seek to make all that is wrong in the world around us right…. through God’s infinite power.
He also includes some great artwork like this!