The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How do I find a gathering? What do we call ourselves?

Our family hasn’t been regularly attending a church building on Sunday mornings. But we’re starting to hunger for more than the random, spontaneous and sometimes not-so-frequent gatherings of our fellow disciples of Christ.

So we want to plug in somewhere… but not just anywhere. How refreshing and encouraging would it be to hook up with others who are in the same boat? People who have been down this road and are at the same place? People who won’t gawk at you with a glassy, blank stare when you start talking about your “different” views on hell and salvation and election? People who don’t think that you’ve fallen into heresy because your sunday-morning-attendance at the local building slacked off the last few years? People who may have read George MacDonald and Thomas Allin and Tom Talbott and Gerry Beauchemin – and agree, having searched out the answers for themselves? I’m looking for a body other than the traditional services, the “turn or burn” crowd, the “repent before God zaps you with all His fury and He stops loving you at death” crowd. I want some like-minded people, it’s been a couple of years now and we’re starting to feel a little lonely.

So I googled Universalists in our area and I kept getting “Unitarian Universalists”.

What is this called, “universalism”? The Unitarians are not what we’re looking for, although I believe they are quite loving people, I have a friend who attends their services and it sounds like the Unitarians are not as Jesus-centered as evangelical Christians.

How do we find others in our area? Is there a website I can go to, somebody who can help us plug in?
Where do we start? :neutral_face:

I haven’t found a place to meet other URs face-to-face. :frowning:

I forgot if you’ve said, but you don’t happen to be in North Carolina, USA, do you? :smiley: My wife and I would love to meet some like-minded people IRL…


I think that’s a question a lot of us would like the answer to!!


We live near Harrisburg, PA. (I think my husband, Aaronkreider, PM’ed you about stopping by on your way up to visit your family in NH… we would love for you to bunk with us for a night or two! :slight_smile: )

I just saw a note in the back of Hope Beyond Hell (Gerry Beauchamin’s book) that his friend, Rick Spencer, has a vision to unite and connect believers across North America regarding the all-inclusive love of God. He organizes state conferences, leadership discussions and home meetings - he wants to help us get connected in our regions. His listed website ( There is also a phone number I’ll try if I don’t get a response via email in a few days’ time.

I’ll update you if I get a response from him, or if he has any leads on how to meet up with people in our area. Come out of the closet, peeps!!!

One of my reasons for this site is to connect EUs all around the world & hopefully be able to improve our connections/communication in order to help people find places. Gathering momentum to give people confidence to come out of the closet (I honestly believe there are millions of people in the closet on this issue, either through not being shown it’s biblical or out of fear of rejection).

One of my other reasons is to encourage most of us, who haven’t yet found a place!

Hopefully this site can help you in both regards :slight_smile:

Also I’ve been told Anglicans are generally more accepting…

That’s right Alex, I know an increasing number of Anglicans who are very open to EU beliefs as well as some Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists.
All are definitely welcome here at St George’s Barcelona! Nobody gets lynched here, not on my watch :sunglasses:


I can really relate to this!!

This sounds really exciting! Please keep us updated here as to what you learn about this. It would be super nice to participate in a church the way you describe. I don’t knowthat everyone has the same struggles in church, but we do get the weird looks, the you are ruining our church vibe, and one does tend to feel on the outside.

I’m just North of Nashville TN if there is anyone in the area who would like to fellowship and possibly start a regular fellowship together - that would be awesome!

Through the contacts I have here in Southwestern Ontario, there’s going to be a conference somewhere in Pennsylvania June3-4-5. For more info on the location and possible contacts in your area, you should contact Tony Nungesser at Savoir of ALL (just say Robert from Windsor ON told you about him).

Then there’s the conference in eastern Ohio

3372 ST. RTE 5

Friday, June 10
6:30-7:00pm – welcome
7:00-7:40 – Rick Farwell
8:00-8:40 – Dan Haley

Saturday, June 11
9:00-9:40 – Bill Petri
10:00-10:40 – Dan Haley
11:00 – 11:40 – Rick Farwell

12:00 – 2:00 – lunch on your own

2:00-2:40 – Bill Petri
3:00-4:00 – Discussion

4:00pm until late at night if people so choose, will be a picnic in our backyard (food provided by the local ecclesia), small group discussions (continuing at night around a camp fire), and opportunities for recreation if people feel the need for some exercise.

Sunday, June 12
10:00-10:40 – Bill Petri
11:00-11:40 – Rick Farwell

Then there’s Clyde Pilkington Jr. from He’s in Windber PA.

If you’re ever in the Detroit/Windsor area, our humble House Church is EU friendly :laughing:

I pray that something can come of these possible contacts, I understand your hearts desire. :frowning:

It is so hard to connect with EU’s outside of the World Wide Web. ( Well, for me anyway ). It seems most of the ones I know are online.

My cousin and I who are roommates are both EU’s, but it is hard meeting others. Well, I should say it is hard meeting other EU’s. I have met quite a few UU’s though, and that is quite refreshing too. But, there is a different fellowship among us who are EU’s and “Christ” centered.

I don’t know.

Perhaps God has it this way for a reason.

I hear you TBH… it can be a difficult journey.

Father first took me out of the Institutional Church into simple house church truth about six years ago. Then He lead me into a deeper understanding of His love for me (A LA Wayne Jacobsen,at, which I believe soften my heart to be able to receive the wonderful truth of His love for ALL. I feel like He has slowly been removing these false traditions of men so that I could become a safe haven, a lighthouse of peace in my own community.

I would encourage you and all others that may be in this place, to prayerfully seek our heavenly Father’s face as to the possibility of being another lighthouse in your community. To not fear that you must be under any special spiritual authority other than the Headship of Christ and His leading. Or the need of any sacred place (wherever two or three are gathered, He is in our midst, that is our promise). To simple start to meet in your homes, your workplaces, anywhere and simply share the life of a free Grace Believer in a reconciled relationship with their heavenly father.

Like my grandson would say, “Let your Jesus freak flag fly” :smiley:

Yes, I believe that our heavenly Father has a plan for all us wild at heart, free range chickens :laughing: Let it start in our homes, as Embassies of the message of reconciliation in our communities. And don’t get overwhelmed with the idea that you MUST HAVE all the bells and whistles of a traditional institutional church. Think & pray about it. :mrgreen:

Grace and Peace

Love that post, URPilgrim!


urpilgrim, that was very encouraging!

Glad to be a blessing Sonia and Dave

Another place that may possibly help you Jaez to find others that are on this journey is at Wisefire community at The traffic there is a little slow. I think a lot of folks have gone through the site, but you never know who you might run into. :slight_smile:

Thank you for this encouraging word UR!

You make a very good point, I actually have been feeling like starting my own fellowship. The other day I had a passing though that perhaps I could one day start a Christian Universalism “Church”, now this was really just a passing though. I seriously doubt the Lord plans for me to actually have a ‘building’. We are the ‘Church’ so we can meet anywhere and maybe he is telling me to start something from right where I am.

This has definitely crossed my mind since the other day as well, so your post kind of is confirmation in a way. I can definitely see myself at some point doing this, I just have to trust the Lord to show me how…Yes, I am thinking about it and I will pray about it.

I do a lot of fellowship and evangelizing online mostly. I know for now this is where he has wanted me, but I have been feeling like the Lord is about to take me into ‘Another Place’ be it in the natural/spiritual, both really. They go together. I am also enjoying blogging the EU message these day, yet I also feel like God has been preparing me for something else anyway really soon.

Such wonderful confirmation! Thanks :slight_smile:

Be encouraged TBH… let Father direct your path and in all things acknowlege Him. :smiley:


I now see why God has seen putting on my heart to start a “Church” and I remember thinking, “No way I could ever start a EU church”. Why couldn’t I? Why is that so impossible God told me? I know for a fact I could never do any of this on my own and this is where faith comes in and believing what God said.

You know what?

The Lord is truly up to something. ( Of course he is :wink: ). We walk by faith and not sight.

Later last night the Lord started showing me something very powerful. I think eventually there will be MORE EU churches. They won’t be ran the way ‘traditional’ church is ran, it will look NOTHING like that. They will truly be a place where people can come to be SET FREE.

He also was reminding me of something he showed me YEARS ago, and a few things are starting to make sense.

I believe things usually get worse before they get better. I definitely believe that God is using a lot of things we really just don’t ‘think’ about to to be a turning point.

Think about how there are not really any ‘churches’ for people to go and even hear this message. Think about how there is no EU on “Christian” radio. Think about how the true message of Christ is rejected and pushed aside. We are not in TV, or Radio and we are pushed out of “Orthodox” churches.

I KNOW eventually this message is going to take over and everything many of us have been doing has been just a ‘hint’ of what is to come and what God has planned. How? Only God knows, he is in full control and has never lost it. I have to believe what the Spirit of the Lord is showing me. We walk by faith and not sight! I woke up so excited this morning, the same way I went to sleep.

I truly believe God has plans bigger than we can even imagine. I use to **think **the best is yet to Come, but now I truly KNOW that best is yet to come.

God has saved the best for last. With him there is nothing impossible and his plans will never be aborted.

Hallelujah!!! :laughing: That is my "Charismaticism’ coming out!! Glory!

We have only JUST begun to do GREATER WORKS THAN JESUS DID!!!

Looks I was the still the last one to post in this thread haha! :smiley: Yes, I am truly excited about what the Lord has in store. I really believe he is up to some amazing things.

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well and long time since I visited the forum.

GBU! :slight_smile: