I’ll say what I’m personally struggling with at the moment and my general thoughts on this topic…
I’m a feelings-based person. I am HUGELY reliant on what I feel. For example, I’m not at all a person who accepts things because someone else tells me to or because it’s the done thing - I rely on my own instincts a lot. If I’m in some sort of debate and someone says something that I realise I disagree with, I might not be able to quite put across immediately why I disagree with whatever it is but I just know that I do disagree with it and from there I only need to try and work out precisely why. If I’m making decisions, my feelings come first, then my thoughts shortly after, then eventually I act on them. It always comes in that order.
The other thing is I am very analytical; I am constantly thinking things through, working things out, countering arguments in my head about something. Both of these things (being feelings-based and analytical) can be really helpful. But they can also be really difficult to consistently cope with.
Both of these things can be prone to overwhelm me. For quite a while (over a year) I’ve been forced to look at God a different way. I’ve found difficult new topics that I didn’t realise I had a problem with, I’ve found things within Christianity that I hate, I’ve seen people I respect hold beliefs about God that I find absolutely detestable. My view of the Bible, of a possible ‘hell’, of atonement, has completely been transformed through gradually looking at God in new ways and I’m very glad for that.
But I have also found connection with God on a personal level really difficult during the same time. When I pray, I often feel like God is hovering in my room saying “you’re not trying hard enough” or sometimes it feels like he’s turning his back on me. When I read the Bible I find things that instantly bother me about God. Some people read the Bible and only see an unconditionally-loving God who cares for humanity. Because I’m prone to over-thinking, I often see everything I don’t want to see. As we all know, it’s hugely frustrating when God feels distant but it’s worse when, on top of that, God seems morally repugnant, like the greatest tyrant you’ll ever imagine
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t need people to affirm that God’s love for me is beyond what I can imagination - I know this 100% and it keeps me going through these sort of periods. But as I mentioned, feelings often lead me so much that I cannot help but fall into their grasp a lot of the time, even if they’re not true. So when God feels distant, it’s like everything grounds to a halt.
Switching away from me for now, I want to say something that I believe is important for all of us when we feel like God is distant. I recently saw an interview Bear Grylls did with Nicky Gumbel where Gumbel asked Grylls what he would say to those who said his faith was like a crutch or safety-harness. Grylls’ initial response was “It’s probably true.” That really stood out to me. When God feels distant, the only reason I keep holding on is because he is often like my safety-harness. I’ve never brought this idea that it takes a ‘leap of faith’ to believe in God. To me, belief in God is natural. When I’m feeling spiritually and emotionally down, I have to hold on to Jesus. Sometimes it feels like he isn’t there holding me up, or sometimes it’s like I can’t see him. But I HAVE to hold on. It feels like it costs me far more to let go than to hold on.
If you’re falling down a cliff and, in the process of scraping against the side for dear life, you think that you can feel a bit of rope hanging down, you don’t question whether the rope is steady or whether it really is there, or whether it really is rope. You grab hold of it and you hold on to it. I’m not sure how good an analogy that is but when God feels distant to me, I feel compelled just to hang in there. Sometimes it doesn’t feel steady. Sometimes I’m not sure whether it’s really there. But I have to hold onto it.
George MacDonald has a couple of great thoughts in his Unspoken Sermon ‘Life’:
When God feels distant, sometimes it would be easier to kiss that life goodbye and ‘call upon death’ to that belief. I’ve felt like that quite a lot in the last year, where my hope is fading away and despair feels like it’s devouring me. But I cling on because I know that I desire the life that he brings. It doesn’t make it much easier - quite honestly right now, I want to fall into the deepest sleep and never leave it, only being conscious of the fact that I’m safe in my unconsciousness. But deep down, that’s not really what I desire at all.
Psalm 44:23-24
Awake, Lord! Why do you sleep?
Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever.
Why do you hide your face
and forget our misery and oppression?
So how does everyone try and get through these moments of doubt or feeling distant from God?