Davidbo posted an interesting thread on Hyperfocused on Sin (sorry, I dont know how to do an internal link–MODS feel free to do it please) in this Forum. [JRP edited to add: [url=https://forum.evangelicaluniversalist.com/t/hyper-focused-on-sin/3414/1]Done! ] Parts of that topic got me thinking. I am new to being an Evangelical Christian Universalist and so far I have not had many chances to do any evangelizing. The only opportunities have been with atheists/agnostics which is a bit of a different starting point.
So, when you witness to someone who already believes in God but is not a Christian—where do you start??? Obviously the old “You are a sinner and bound for Hell” approach is right out. I would really like to know where you start, how you handle questions about Hell which I assume come up etc. If your witnessing is successful, how do you handle the church attendence thing. Basically how do you handle the whole changed perspective?