The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How Do You Witness as a CEU?

Davidbo posted an interesting thread on Hyperfocused on Sin (sorry, I dont know how to do an internal link–MODS feel free to do it please) in this Forum. [JRP edited to add: [url=]Done! :slight_smile: ] Parts of that topic got me thinking. I am new to being an Evangelical Christian Universalist and so far I have not had many chances to do any evangelizing. The only opportunities have been with atheists/agnostics which is a bit of a different starting point.

So, when you witness to someone who already believes in God but is not a Christian—where do you start??? Obviously the old “You are a sinner and bound for Hell” approach is right out. I would really like to know where you start, how you handle questions about Hell which I assume come up etc. If your witnessing is successful, how do you handle the church attendence thing. Basically how do you handle the whole changed perspective?

i like the St Francis of Assissi quote:

so i figure actions first, words when required…but if i can’t get the actions to preach…i had better just shut up most of the time :confused:

but at least now i don’t have to worry about the hell nonsense if i am speaking to someone

Hi Lizabeth,
I agree with James that showing God’s grace is far more important than talking about it. Also that it is such a relief not to have to teach the nonsensical and unbiblical doctrine of everlasting hell. There are so many great reasons for being a Christian but fear of everlasting hell is not one of them.

As for where to start in evangelizing … I am not in favour of ‘one size fits all’ approaches of any kind. You have to listen to people and start from where they are and in a way which is appropriate for them. And be patient, not feeling you have to sort the whole thing out in one meeting, or that you alone have the ability/responsibility to ‘convert’ your friend/neighbour/enemy…

Having said all that, a few of the things I often say to people who may be seeking/open to the gospel are:

  1. God believes in YOU and is already working in and through you to make the world a better place
  2. When we look at Jesus, we see exactly what God is like, and exactly what God’s aims and priorities are
  3. Following Jesus means working with him and other people in bringing heaven on earth, here and now

You have to put things into your own words, show and tell about the difference your faith makes in your life, and trust God to use the conversation.

Just a few tips from my experience, but I’m no expert!

I’ve always been more of an apologist (pre-evangelical support and preparation), although I’ve evangelized more since becoming a Christian universalist! :laughing:

When a topic comes up I may say something leading toward Christianity, but despite how it may seem from my prolific writing I try not to overwhelm people into it.

Thanks everyone. Keep on going with it. I agree, actions always speak louder than words. I have gotten as far as my atheist/agnostic husband thinking that maybe humans did not just randomly evolve. This is since I became a CU–he will not even listen if Hell is on the agenda.