As a father, I really find it interesting that the beliefs we were raised with take priority over common sense. This is true, even in my life. I had long been an ECT believer until I asked a brother how their study in the word was going. I remember the last part of his reply “I am still trying to figure out if the church fathers believed if Hell was eternal” My reply? “Of course it is! How could it be any other way?”… But it sparked an interest to search it out. I remember finding a pastor named Doug Batchelor, I think. He gave compelling scriptural evidence that we are wiped out, obliterated. At first I was relieved, I guess Grandpa Bill isn’t burning in hell. Somehow, after searching that view out further, I came to a Jewish site in regards to those missing out on the millennial kingdom, and it actually presented a view of Universalism. It made sense, but at the same time, I thought the view was ‘out there’ and of course, I eventually found Tentmaker. When I found Tentmaker, I initially rejected it as something the devil thought up. Especially when I read Gary’s article about Judas. Over time, I guess I became convinced.
Now, this thread isn’t about that, but I wanted to bring further insight into this thread - to backup what Cindy had said. There is no doubt that some are called to be the first fruits (elect for this age). James 1:18 “Having counseled, He did beget us with a word of truth, for our being certain first fruit of His creatures”. The trouble is that anyone, no matter their theological beliefs cannot possibly know (they can believe, but they cannot know) that they themselves will persevere to the end. That being said, most Calvinists do believe that they are among the ones called and chosen, but simple logic shows that to be ignorance, perhaps even willful ignorance so as to not worry about their salvation. Humans have a way of ‘wishing away’ things they don’t want to think about. They think if they trick themselves so subtly, maybe God will be fooled and accept that as an excuse. But truly, is God that stupid? He knows the motives of our heart.
I don’t have it all figured out, in fact, even though I am a convinced universalist, I cannot absolutely rule out annihilation. ECT? Well, in one sense I can rule it out. In another sense I cannot, as God can do what he desires. I cannot quite comprehend how God would endlessly torture, but I can comprehend Him not giving eternal (age during) life to those not deserving. But, then who is deserving? No one, of course, which brings us back full circle, in my opinion.