The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Michael - it does not reflect my opinion. As far as others here, they can speak for themselves, but I haven’t read anything by them to show that they are heartless SD’s.


You contradict George MacDonald, The Pope, The Bible, and how America does things. I didn’t know people were saying Trump was “Social Darwinism” until you told me. I was just seeing how you all were talking in Hermano’s post and here. I’m finding things on the internet now that say Trumps worldview is Social Darwinism. Let me think this over. I hate to jump to conclusions.

Michael, I don’t even remember using the term ‘social Darwinism’ before. But I’m mentally feeble - you can ask Randy about that - so maybe I forgot.

George has weighed in on Trump? Why was he so damn silent about the criminal Hillary?

The Bible? How am I contradicting? What are you talking about?

I’m starting to get a headache.

St Mike said:

How do they do things St Michael? :confused:

Just found this from Abilene Christian University:

This was written before the election and before I came to my thought of Social Darwinism.

Republicans Begin To Break With President Trump

Mike, You said

Well, where is it? :confused:


They teach helping the disabled and weak outcast. (poor).

Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, I was naked and you did not clothe Me, I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’…

We will know them by their fruits, eh? Lefties throwing dirt on conservatives is just their way of life imo. They have two stances, do the lefties - bullying if they are winning, throwing tantrums when they lose. imo

God allows evil to carry out judgement

How to win friends and influence people… … mmigration :astonished:

Thanks Davo!!

Which raises some questions, for the FFA (Fantastic Fans of America), on this forum (and elsewhere). If Trump’s immigration policy, is criticized by:

Eminent fellow Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham
A Roman Catholic cardinal from Chicago (as I heard on the WFMT, radio news today). Keeping in mind, that a cardinal speaks on behalf, of the Roman Catholic Church.
Silicon Valley tech executives, via this BBC story at Silicon Valley lashes out at Trump ban
The German chancellor

Do you tell them, to kept their mouths shut and stop complaining? Or do we reach a point, when someone of a high enough status and position complains - that we should listen?

You are the least Missourian of all the Missourians I know.

I’m the Socratic Missourian. In other words, I believe in the Motto “I’m from Missouri - show me.” But I also believe in asking questions, in the manner of Socrates. :laughing:

Show me! You have one day. :laughing:

Anyway, a tidbit from a current philosopher:

"Every reasonable person must grant that there must be some restrictions placed on whom to allow to immigrate. Trump will alienate Muslims and leftists but he will also insure that what has already happened in Europe won’t happen here.

You lefties need to cool your jets, to use an old '70s expression, and give the man a chance. The stroke you prevent may be your own. The more extreme and thuggish your protests, the more asinine your Hitler comparisons, the more you will discredit yourselves in the eyes of the sane." -BV

And we all like videos!

Why wasn’t Saudi-Arabia on the banned list?

That’s a good question that’s being thrown around here and there. I don’t know.

Let me ask a Socratic question. Could it be that we have, a huge military presence there…As well as several American workers and companies, with the oil industry…And Trump gave them an exception - on humanitarian grounds :question: :laughing: