The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

True, my statement was hyperbolic. Companies have been actively buying people out of them to drop them. Therefore, they are a thing of the past… last report I had seen was that only 16% of large corporations still had them. But if you include small business, self employed, probably less than 5% of people still actively can put toward them and I suspect most of those are city, state and fed jobs. Fire fighters, military, police, etc…

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Goodness, I had no idea how urgent this was. We better put this as the top priority today! We are almost out of time to change this!

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I agree, the longer we wait to balance income and outgo, and the bigger we allow the defict we dig to get, the more costly and painful balancing it will become. And my guess is that with the strongest regular voting block expecting their own benefits, the expensive bulk of shouldering large shortfalls will be inflicted on the younger generation.

These defined benefit plans became prohibitively expensive for employers so now they are being replaced by smaller less expensive 401Ks where the employee contributes up to around 5% and the employer matches it.

They will do it when they have to do it. I think it immediately boosts Social Security revenues into the fund substantially and doesn’t need to be done 15 years in advance.

I saw this story, in the BBC today:

Now the BBC, is quoting “reliable” sources. Let me quote a bit:

The Washington Post said the intelligence official found the comment “so troubling” they went to the department’s inspector general.

However, the Washington Post and the New York Times both said at least part of the complaint related to Ukraine, citing officials with knowledge of the matter.

And in case anyone from Canada “adds fuel to the fire”…look at this story, from the BBC today:

I wonder if this Trump story, is doing this?


When re-election time comes & when SS benefits is a more heated issue , no one will oppose it, I get news stories on my phone all the time & some sources have never said a positive thing about a Republican & I think Vanity Fair is in that group so I wouldn’t just take it at face value.

Economics, not politics: (HP ok’s)

Wow the Wash Post & NY Times both had Trump positively colluding with the Russians dozens of times, now we move on to the Ukranians!

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Well, since this article is in the BBC “science” section today…it probably qualifies as “non-political” :smiley:

Some detail on a current media blitz.

And a pithy comment?

In 2014, the Obama administration backs a revolution in Ukraine, intended to turn that nation away from Russia. Joe Biden, then vice-president, becomes the administration’s go-between with Ukraine. That makes Biden a powerful guy, as far as Ukraine is concerned. Biden’s kid Hunter ends up being on the board of a corporation over there, and gets millions siphoned into his bank account.

Next thing you know, there’s a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into corruption involving the corporation that’s funnelling money to Biden’s son. Biden goes over there and tells Ukraine that if they don’t fire the prosecutor, he’ll block a billion-dollar U.S. loan guarantee. Within hours, the prosecutor is fired. (There’s audio of Biden boasting about this.) That’s obstruction of justice at the highest level.

Now, the president of the U.S. is said to have called Ukraine asking them to look into this. There are no threats made, nor goodies offered — just a request for an investigation.

And this is a Trump scandal?" -Motus Mentis

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Below is my reaction to the hysteria evidenced by modern age young people who are being hoodwinked by climate alarmists. It’s not that I would take a pass on a day off school when I was their age!

Stand firm, DT.


Everyone has an opinion about climate change, but few have stopped to consider the worldview component that should come up every time it’s discussed. Is God still in control of what’s happening on His earth? Or not? Christians should be eager to use climate change and global warming as a means to remind the world that Jesus is still Lord!


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It’s a quandary. Politics has been weaponized into every area of life, so if we try to avoid politics - well, we would have to avoid everything. And we could do that; as has been pointed out, the purpose of the forum was never meant to be political.
But, everything is now political. White theology, black mathematics, colonialism Christianity - it just goes on and on.
I guess that sticking with ‘the facts’ and not ‘stereotyping’ or taking political ‘sides’ is about the best I can do; either that, or just stop commenting on anything but theology.

One can even connect the zombies from Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), with International Politics. In fact, there is a book - on this very topic! :crazy_face:

Can we even NOT be political, when Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) FINALLY arrives?

There must be a book about every thing under the sun. Or in the dark…

There is indeed. It is called Ecclesiastes.

Eccl. 1:9 “What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.”

That is fact. Re Climate Change, there have been periods of warming, e.g. early 20th Century and the Middle Ages; and there have been periods of cooling, e.g. mid 20th Century and the Little Ice Age in the 17th to 19th Centuries.

The so-called “scientific consensus” does not exist except in the minds of those whose agenda is to scare people into supporting their particular political philosophy. Increases in carbon dioxide measured in ppm are having zero effect on global temperatures.
The world is currently “greening” as a result of extra CO2 in the atmosphere, to the benefit of the world’s population, especially those who live in underdeveloped countries.

Please note - nowhere did I mention the word Democrat, for that matter the word Liberal in Canada.

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Here is a picture of black men representing white women (so, “whiteface” vs. “blackface”) in a 2004 comedy called White Chicks:

What’s all the fuss? What’s new?

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Impeachment? Have US politicians totally lost their minds?

It’s too bad I solemnly agreed to refrain from addressing the many facets of this topic. But my word is my word. What’s done can’t be undone. The milk has been spilt. The horse has bolted from the barn.

A person who is already impeared (impaired) ought to be impeached.

I think we need, a couple of songs - for this thread!