The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

I try to look on the bright side which is that even now i don’t think the House will vote for impeachment & if they do it’s highly unlikely the Senate will but if they do then Pence is President. However if Pence dies in a mysterious plane crash then Pelosi is President but i think that would trigger Jesus return because even God will have had enough!

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I thought he repeatedly mentioned it even if in the statement as he named Merkel, he named countries & said that all they do is talk.He was repeating the same thing within the same sentence or two or three meaning it wasn’t a passing reference, it was clearly a big issue with him.

You know what? It’s too soon, to judge the “alleged” impeachable crime Trump committed. The best thing to do, is wait and see - what the political impeachment circus and world’s media circus, presents and digs up. :crazy_face:

You are correct, Randy, to call this whole thing a circus. All circuses have performing clowns. Since I virtually promised not to say nasty things about Democrats, I will refrain from suggesting they are acting like clowns.

Well, I just found this informative - BBC news article!

By stating your refraint in this manner, you just did suggest it.

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No such Negative is ever ‘proven.’ It seems silly to demand “proof” that, "there is No evidence…"
(e.g. that) “Europe changed its level of support.” If you confidently accuse that there IS evidential counter-proof of that change, I welcome you to offer facts that overturn my blind perception :slight_smile:

How convenient:

Between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump. The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.

The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”

In his complaint, which was dated August 12, 2019, the complainant acknowledged he was “not a direct witness” to the wrongdoing he claims Trump committed.

Disgusting and dishonest chicanery, pure and simple.

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So the self righteous Dems want to impeach a duly elected President based on accusations by THEM and you think demanding proof by the accused is silly! Actually it’s plainly clear most of the Dems don’t require proof as they make outlandish accusations without bothering to wait for proof. Modern day Stalin Kangaroo courts! Stalin never needed proof, all he needed was to suspect his perceived enemy of something threatening his power! After all that is what this is really about, power!


New Living Translation
Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed.

King James Bible
The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

Darby Bible Translation
The lip of truth shall be established for ever; but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

World English Bible
Truth’s lips will be established forever, but a lying tongue is only momentary.

Young’s Literal Translation
The lip of truth is established for ever, And for a moment – a tongue of falsehood.


Unless I’m mistaken, DT or anyone of us is Innocent until Proven guilty.
In other words, presumption of Innocence. Is that not the law?
Nowadays, any person can level any accusation, from sordid to treasonous, based not on fact but on hearsay or outright fiction - aka lying - and the accused has to defend himself??

Accusations are not proof. This frenzy to impeach going on three years now and turning up nothing at all, is just mean and vindictive and somewhat ‘demonic’ in its fierceness and lying. Has the FL nothing else to do? Moderate Dems need to be heard but they are not; John Delaney for instance seems to have that good liberal head on his shoulders but does not get much press.

Bingo! This is like the scene in the garden of Eden with Eve and Satan except Eve has been replaced by “Dems.”

LOL - Steve I would not go that far. The media does not let us hear the moderate, good liberals much - not as newsworthy? Not far enough left to fit the agenda? For whatever reason, we just don’t get exposure to what I think must be the majority of liberal thinking; we get the crazies. So we end up with a caricature, just the same as the caricature of ‘deplorables’ and ‘smelly WalMart people’ and ‘God guns and the Bible’ etc.
There is a secular use of ‘demonic’ that I was using; when a person or group is blindly and hatefully using spite and outright lies to destroy someone or some institution; and some on the FL are possessed by that hatred and it has warped their thinking. Notice I say ‘some’. Not ‘all’. Though a surprising number of those I consider moderate STILL want nothing more than to take down the elected Prez and have since the day he got elected. They will not accept the results of the election.
Okay I’m getting close to the red line set down by my better half. Time to back off and enjoy life today. I hope we all do.

No!! Where in the world did I say or contend anything like That?? Steve, whatever your passionate feelings are addressing, it has nothing to do with anything that I have argued.

What I repeatedly said is that it’s silly to keep demanding that someone who simply says he sees
“no evidence” of something has a duty to “prove” that evidence is lacking. And that in any event
you are demanding something of me that is logically impossible.

Really there is no parity between the two situations; the scale and destructiveness toward the country is completely different. But I see your point in a way.

Insanity: in love with the word ‘impeach’. And again, no evidence.

“Brett Kavanaugh was nominated, audited and confirmed by the Senate as a Supreme Court justice. But if The New York Times and cable news can relentlessly charge without proof that nearly 40 years ago he was a teenage sexual pervert, then a distinguished judge can be rendered impotent without legal impeachment.”

The whole point of my post was that that which accusations are judged as especially “destructive” and illicit has become so partisan and predictable. Know a person’s partisan allegiance, and you will know which questionable situations and accusations that person will minimize or elevate.

Clearly true but to me some the Dems are beyond partisan like Adam Shiff a man possessed. Nadler is running against a real leftist in his district so i’ll give him the excuse of pandering. Pelosi is also pandering the AOC Squad faction to keep control. MSM & twitter also drive this insanity.

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I agree Steve - the crazies are the ones making the noise. At this point there is no choice between DT and any of the crazies; he’ll win. Getting the media off their FL butts and promoting smart Dems, somewhat centrist, would help make the race a bit more interesting.

Perhaps you are right that it’s secular demonic but I wouldn’t rule out the real thing.

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You & Dave’s repeated assertions in reaction to any observation I make, that Dems are the ones
who are “crazies” & emotionally “possessed” only confirms what I observed epitomizes both extremes. The other side surely just returns such bald ad hominems that equally delights their fellow travelers :frowning: