The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

It doesn’t confirm that at all. I have repeatedly said that I am not on either ‘side’ - but the simple plain obvious to anyone truth is that the crazy side of the Dems - just that side - grabs all the headlines all the time, with nuttier and nuttier stuff to say. THEY are the ones monopolizing the media, not you moderate Dems. Have you got that or do I need to repeat it another 100 times?

Apparently I’ve crossed the line again, so I have to let you argue amongst yourselves. She’s always right. (though she agrees with me) Have fun.

Yes, I get that you think MSM only displays the craziness on the Dem side.
I personally see the media seeking to highlight the craziness on the GOP side also.
I am glad you admit that there is equal lunacy on both sides, even if you think the media doesn’t deserve any credit for headlining the crazy side of the Republican right. I see both widely printed.

Senate Democrat Who Claimed Evidence Of Trump-Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Changes His Story

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Guilty as charged. Sorry.

I think I found the first witness, in the impeachment inquiry. :crazy_face:

I have just returned to my seniors residence after being away for a few hours. It is cold today up here in Alberta (28 F) and I was wearing my MAGA cap. It was noticed by a dear Christian lady who remarked “how can you like Trump - he is all for abortion”. She genuinely believed that. Why? The press and CBC up here are anti-Trump, whatever it takes, hang the facts.

I pointed out that the vast majority of Democratic presidential candidates are all in support of abortion on demand, even up to and following birth. She was unaware of that fact!

“The truth shall set you free”. It is being hidden today, no doubt due to the spiritual forces all around us. Trump is not only battling the opposite party, its supporters and the media, but the Devil himself.


I dug up an old song, from 1972 :crazy_face:

And here is a related, country song! :crazy_face:

But find the truth for yourself and believe! :crazy_face:

That citizens of other lands look to MAGA for warmth, and Trump for spiritual victory over Satan
may reveal a lot about how many experience the nature of the modern world.

Longtime liberal warns Democrats’ impeachment agenda just wrong

Goodwin: Donald Trump now has to battle CIA spies in Dems’ war against him

…Trump could be accused of understatement in describing anyone who participated with the so-called whistleblower as “almost a spy.” There is nothing “almost” about it. The trained CIA officer used his trusted position in the White House to gather secret information from what he claims were “multiple US government officials.”

He retained Democratically connected lawyers and injected his allegations into the political bloodstream with one intent: to get Trump ­removed from office.

…CIA agents are supposed to spy on foreign adversaries. This one spied on the president, then cloaked himself in whistleblower camouflage. His sources are presumably still at work and perhaps planning another run at the president.

…Is it mere coincidence that the attack on Trump comes as the administration investigates what Brennan, Comey and others did in 2016?

Here’s an interesting article on China, from the BBC today:

Let me quote a segment, that applies to ALL countries - the US included:

“How bad can it really be?” the onlookers ask, reflecting on the negative headlines they’ve read about China back home.

The answer, as in all societies, is that it depends very much on who you are.

I don’t agree about the so called “craziness” on both sides. It’s like calling the Stalin Kangaroo Courts, “craziness on both sides.”

Dems smell power like a dog smells meat, like a shark sees blood!

Let the Stalin Kangaroo Court begin!

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As far as i’m concerned it’s not about Trump, it’s about principals. Personally I would probably rather have Pence as President but through elections.

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Yes the MSM can brainwash people! BTW an interesting fact is that the “House” can vote to impeach and the Senate must confirm by 67 votes but there is nothing in the Constitution to compel Mitch Mconnell to bring it up for a vote.

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How on earth did you come to these conclusions? I admit I prefer Trump over any one of the other candidates for the presidency but I did not suggest they were “in league with Satan”. The “father of lies” (John 8:44) is unconcerned as to who listens to him and cares not what political philosophy they may believe in.

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As rhetorical a question as ever there was one!

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Interestingly the Whistleblower rules were recently quietly changed to allow a Whistleblower to use second hand information. As of now no one knows who changed the rule. Of course now almost anyone can be a Whistleblower!

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Yes, Dave was more balanced in rejecting that the “crazies” are only on the Dem side. But your view that your side does not desire power as your “crazy” opponents do, epitomizes my observation about the bias both partisan extremes display.

The real question:

"The question is whether Biden did something illegal. The president didn’t do anything illegal. You know how I know? Because Nancy Pelosi’s been on every tv show and she can’t cite one section of the United States code where it’s illegal. My question is, why is Joe Biden above the law? Why is his son above the law? Where is Hunter Biden today? Where is the media? Don’t they want to know? Don’t they want to know if the leading contender for the Democrat nomination is a crook and if his son is a crook?” Mark Levin.

No they don’t. They are making up a Trump thing to totally hide a Biden thing. That is so obvious and I think most people can see it.

““He doesn’t say get Biden,” Levin continued. “He doesn’t say I’m digging up dirt on Biden. He doesn’t say do me a favor and get Biden. He says, ‘Why don’t you talk to my attorney general, look into this. People have questions.’ Wow.” Yeah, that’s so huge, not.