The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Gotta love the completely ‘staged’ flounce-out by Pelosi et. al. in the Syrian meeting. Fake outrage, every day.

As I was watching these commercials, from Liberty Mutual…I thought perhaps Trump, should hire this bird…at least, it won’t rat him out. :crazy_face:

And I doubt that the world’s media will accuse Trump…of making passes, at the bird’s mate. :crazy_face:

On Thursday at her weekly press briefing, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the American people were “not going to decide” if President Donald Trump should be impeached.

And why should we the people even be concerned, when we have greater things to worry about, such as:
"THERE’S NO LIMIT TO L****** LUNACY. Check this out:

At UCLA, a proposed requirement that there be more bathrooms that are inclusive brought backlash from trans and non-binary students, who are concerned that floor-to-ceiling partitions between stalls are discriminatory against trans and non-binary folks, because that’s not how men’s and women’s bathrooms are constructed. In this case, inclusivity isn’t about adequate privacy, but adequate exposure.<<"

"Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Thursday that they have reached a cease-fire agreement between Turkey and Kurds, following a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara.

The agreement comes hours after a letter emerged in which President Trump warned Erdogan against being a “fool” and “tough guy” regarding an operation in northeastern Syria. "

Yes, Trump is Hitler for wanting to end our involvement in stupid foreign wars.

Who here has argued "Trump is Hitler?? It’s never negative to end stupid foreign wars.
In terms of the policy substance of the reservations cited, this seems like a straw man.

Oh come on, Trump has been called Hitler and you never said a word. He has been called crazy, stupid, Homo- and Islamo- and Trans- and LGBT- phobic and you’ve never denied it. Why hide behind the Hitler thing now?? You’re not really saying he is NOT HItler, are you?

Dave, I find it just peculiarly ad hominem to accuse me of “really” saying Trump is Hitler. I’ve regularly praised our president’s faithful efforts to get us out of useless wars. Trump has not done anything resembling what Hitler did! Anyone who’s been to Auschwitz, or knows anything of what Hitler did, would be crazy to compare Trump to Hitler. He was evil on steroids.

I find your accusation that I am the one responsible for (correcting) whatever any idiot may say about Trump to be false, reckless and defamatory. Please calmly address the substance of what I actually argued.

“The clearest proof that the USA is a great country is that (almost) everybody and the brother of his sister’s uncle wants to come here. The socialist paradises need walls to keep people in; we need walls to keep people out.THEREFORE, by lefty logic, we need to turn the USA into a socialist shithole.Go Bernie!” BV

Nope. In Pig Latin.

And now from the BBC news!

And where is the next, G7 summit?

Paidion is correct. I use the translator at, and get this:

can ou speak pig latin

Later that evening, the president tweeted in response to the meeting: “I am the only person who can fight for the safety of our troops & bring them home from the ridiculous & costly Endless Wars, and be scorned. Democrats always liked that position, until I took it. Democrats always liked Walls, until I built them. Do you see what’s happening here?”

“These people who didn’t say a word when President Obama pulled everybody out of Iraq. Didn’t say anything when President Obama didn’t enforce the red line. Now all of a sudden, she wants the president to crack down,” Kilmeade told his co-hosts.

And here is from today’s BBC news - HOT off the presses!

What happened this week in Trump’s impeachment saga?


Watch, the same persons and situations are buttons that push you into a reactive state of mind. You make the mistake of buying stress and accumulating it in your system. If you observe your face without makeup in the mirror you will see how the stress is aging you faster. 20 minutes of sitting quietly with yourself and witnessing your breaths and your minds chatter without judgment, just watching, would detoxify your body-mind. You will sleep well, eat well, and will be creatively more productive and happy each day.

Each day lived well is true ‘success’.

~~ Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

This Brexit thing has some similarities to the USA situation here:
" I don’t pretend to understand all the parliamentary ins-and-outs of the ongoing battle over whether to execute the people’s will in the UK. What I do know is that in June 2016, the British people, to the horror and chagrin of the global elite and their “Deep State” allies throughout the bureaucracies and legislatures of the Western World, voted to have their country returned to the people and taken out of the hands of the Brussels corruptocrats.

I wrote in May of 2016 (here) that the,

force driving the pro-Brexit movement is not solely or even mostly about economics, or finance, or currency exchange rates. It is about something much, much more important. It is about reclaiming the soul of Britain; preserving and restoring that which made Britain, notably England, one of the world’s greatest countries, a nation of stunning consequence. It is about deciding whether the great British traditions and innovations that have made our modern world are worth saving or should be discarded . . .

For me as an outsider, a person with zero British blood, and no family ties to the UK (although I do like British cheese), what’s driving the anti-EU movement in Britain is the need to save the country, or what’s left of it. Perhaps without the EU and its courts and mandates, British common sense can prevail, and the UK be saved, or at least England–and if the Scots want to stay in the EU, they should have another referendum and swap London’s “rule” for that of Brussels, that’ll teach 'em.
That little bit of analysis holds true.

Ever since the British people voted to get the UK out of the EU’s smothering embrace, the Remainers have launched a campaign, not unlike that of the so-called “Resistance” here in the States following Trump’s 2016 victory, of sabotage and obstruction to prevent the people’s choice from becoming policy.
The left is for the people except for when the people are not for the left. The left in the West has become the party and movement of the bureaucratic diktat; the “elites” who run the public and corporate bureaucracies, the entertainment and "news " industrial complexes, and the “education” machines have become, in the words of the great Thomas Sowell, “the ano"inted ones” possessed of a “revealed truth” which entitles them to lead the rest of us deplorable hillbillies out of the darkness and into the progressive sunlight–whether we want it or not!

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And here is an “interesting” news item, from the BBC today!

It is interesting - and that insane woman almost became president.

"You want to know who’s to blame for the fact that antisemitic, radical socialists like Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are embraced by the Democratic Party? Look in the mirror. Yes, we are to blame. The Left had a plan to dismantle Judeo-Christian civilization from the inside, and we let them. Don’t blame a scapegoat. We are responsible for where we are today. And only we can fix it. " - S. Gorka

Oh, no. This is terrible! Simply terrible!


Maybe I shouldn’t have included this image. I’m starting to sound like some folks, on the forum here! :crazy_face:

Speaking about insane women, AOC endorsed Bernie which may mean that Bernie could win the Dem nomination & pick AOC as his running mate!!!
AOC could be a Bernie heart attack away from being President!!

Then AOC can pick her squad to be her cabinet & pick Talib as V/P! Imagine, not a brain cell in her head, except she is great on Twitter! Can the AntiChrist be a women?

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Funnily enough, Dave, I sent the following email to my two brothers ‘back home’ only yesterday, following the latest obfuscations by diehards in the UK parliament:


"Get OUT of Europe while you still have the chance!!.

"The US and the Commonwealth are waiting for you to leave a corrupt Europe.

"The US will not deal with a European or any other empire.

"Who is/are the stumbling blocks? Get rid of them!"

The Remainers over there are just as obstructive as the Leftwingers down in the States.
Brw, there is no such thing as “zero British blood”. Did you not know that Adam and Eve were both Brits?

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