The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Yep, see Neil Gorsuch’s new book by that name. I just received it for my birthday gift. My family is so cool. :smiley:

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Good, let us know what you think of it.
(Speaking of books, did you get my PM?)

"Whether you hate it or not, (Decision to bring home 50 to 100 troops) Trump’s decision wasn’t impulsive. It was a campaign promise, and it reflects opinions going back decades. He’s a miser with blood and treasure. You can call it misguided, but at least admit it exists.

But the media won’t. It’s repetition 24/7 aimed at avoiding real truths about a new era. What have we seen in this era?

The highest household median income in history
Punishment of China for oppressing Muslims
Continued prison reform
Record employment for women and minorites
And attempts to draw down foreign wars

That the media finds such things trivial says it all — about the media.

It’s not hawks versus doves."
It’s them versus you. – G Gutfeld

I’m very happy with what the Prez is doing.

I would propose that everyone refrain, from talking about pro or anti, impeachment “inquiry” stuff. At least, on a “soapbox”.


It reminds me, of this super hero party.

Point the video to 9:30, of the way in. Notice folks are lining up, for the bathroom. Then the Hulk comes out. He just finished a number 2. This brings to mind, soap-box political discussions.

Well, in the Native American way…we would bring in a smudge can, with burning cedar and/or sage. Which is my case, since it is virtual here - either humor, SNL political footage or a BBC article.

More often than not, the Incredible Hulk - just exited the bathroom, after he completed number 2. :crazy_face:

Well hang in there Randy, maybe do a sweat lodge or something - because the next year is going to be a hairy one. Soapbox or no, we are for better or worse (Your insistence on the importance of #2 makes me think perhaps worse) in the world, in this country under attack right now; there’s a lot at stake, and as much as I would prefer to sit under the bodhi tree I can’t get there as often as I like. Even our Christian witness is politicized.
I desperately want peace in this country.

We ALWAYS have to keep that in mind, Dave…Even when Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) finally arrives. :crazy_face:


Considering what he says, it’ s not much wonder.

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Yep! No media bias at all!!

Earlier in the week, Levin discussed perversions of the process currently employed by House Democrats in relation to a White House letter explaining why the administration won’t cooperate with the current investigation.

“It’s not an official House impeachment inquiry,” Levin explained. “It’s a Democrat Party hijacking of impeachment and the House of Representatives railroading a president who is not even able to defend himself, to look at the evidence, to question the witnesses.”

“And the media are perfectly fine with this, folks, perfectly fine with this,” Levin remarked. “It’s a process argument, they argue. Process argument? We have mass murderers and terrorists who get more process than this - Mark Levin

I don’t like Levin… I am what I would consider a independent that leans right, but most of the conservative mongers are simply bashing at the issues that they want to see happen, and to be honest, they have no interest in working things out as a people of a nation.

Levin is the political Dave Ramsey, and if you listen to Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson it is the equivalent of brow beating listeners into submission. Dumbest crap I’ve ever heard. They use shock and scare tactics… I am smart enough to know the difference between Hillary and Donald. I don’t need to be told countless times for years… Blah Blah Blah…

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Chad to Dave 2.0

I REALLY hope so, Chad! :rofl:

But, perhaps Dave 2.0…thinks Curly might be on this forum? :crazy_face:

Ancay ouyay peaksay igpay atinLay?

Speaking in “tongues” again?

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Imagine Bernie accused Warren of having Capitalism in her bones? The stuff Bernie promotes is tantamount to a human body having cancer. Bernie’s political ideas are his religion which he believes not by sight but by faith alone in government alone.

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Since President Trump made his decision to relocate 50 U.S. troops from Northern Syria, who were in the way of incoming Turkish forces, the commander-in-chief has been relentlessly attacked by the Left, their accomplices in the press, and the forever war neoconservatives and RINOs on the Right. After 18 years of war, thousands of Americans dead, and trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted, the president is being pilloried for not wanting to go to war with Turkey, a NATO ally with the largest Army in Europe.
In fact, the YPG and PKK Kurdish militias being targeted by Erdogan’s forces are Marxist, secular, ethnonationalist separatists organizations, the latter of which is responsible for scores of terrorist attacks in recent years. Yes, the Kurds hate jihadist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, but not because they love America or share our values. The enmity between the Kurds and both the Shia and Sunni Muslims in the region dates back almost as far as the times of the historic warrior Saladin, who was himself a Kurd (just don’t tell the Sunnis).

Yes, civilians are suffering, and yes, the Turkish forces are using the pretext of securing their border to exact retribution on a minority that they deem a threat to the integrity of their nation. But since when did these realities become the reason for America to become involved? Haven’t we been lectured at since the Vietnam War that America shouldn’t be the world’s policeman? From Noam Chomsky to Howard Zinn and Michael Moore, weren’t we schooled that America is hated exactly because of our “imperial” foreign policy? Could the Left be any more hypocritical?

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Now here is an interesting, BBC story today:

And another one:

And in case anyone missed the 60 Minutes special, on psychedelic research - at John Hopkins Medical Center. This should be the right link!

Do you really want me to answer that hypothetical question?

The left up here (in Canada) are still mad at Trump for not preventing General Wolfe from beating them on the Plains of Abraham in 1759 and securing Canada for the Brits.

Not Trump, you say? It must have been - isn’t he responsible for everything, bad or good? Even if it was 250 years ago. No, forget good, nothing he does could possibly be good. He wanted to save American soldiers’ lives in a fight that had nothing to do with the US? That’s not an answer, is it? No, it can’t be. We’ll enlist our friendly media to make sure “the American people” only know the truth that all Trump did or does is bad, by definition.

Another interesting BBC story today!

I respect citing leftist arguments that we shouldn’t police the world. I’ve often applauded Trump’s desire to avoid endless wars. Such decisions are not simple to evaluate.

But even many fervent GOP Trumpers doubt we will benefit from inviting the bombing and slaughter of imperfect allies who had already shed most of the blood in our cause, thus leaving other allies with deepening distrust that we may also abandon them on a dime when they no longer serve our needs (including creating unwanted chaos on ally Israel’s border), insuring the release of thousands of ISIS terrorists and the possibility of their regrouping, leaving a perfect vacuum for Iran’s resurgence in Syria.

Of course only time will tell whether such a consequential move and bolstering of the dominance of thugs like Assad, Erdogan, and Putin’s Russia in the Middle East will preserve a stability that discourages it becoming again a launching pad for terrorism against us and the West.

Curious, how does Dave feel about Trump complaining about all the overpriced things the US pays for, while at the same time, raising the deficit to one trillion dollars? Sure, it was 585billion when he took the reigns over from Obama, and certainly it could have peaked a bit before going down, even with a plan to reduce it as that takes time… However, 3 years times and it has raised to 1 trillion… How is that fiscally responsible? He also promised in 8 years to eliminate the deficit. Not sure how that can happen, being that he is already 3 years into it…

Note: People often confuse deficit with debt. I am NOT talking about the debt, but the yearly deficit which, no doubt, contributes to the debt.

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