The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Where do you get that statistic? The scientists I’ve been reading and to which I have been listening, deny that global warming is caused mainly by man-made emissions—rather that man-made emissions have only a very small effect.

If all man-made emissions ceased entirely, global warming would continue.

A lot of the polls are now expecting respondents to reply by text & I bet Trump supporters tend to be older in general & tend to not text reply plus they don’t trust polls in general. I’m not so sure polls are reliable.

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Paidion to Dave 2.0

Well, that’s what I have been asking Dave 2.0 - in prior posts. He doesn’t know or remember.

Perhaps this is an occasion for LOL? :crazy_face:

Again, while I personally agree that Trump tries to inflict consequences on those who infuriate him, this piece explicitly denies being a “news story.” It expressly declares it is an “Editorial” on the Opinion page, and is followed by one offering the opposite opinion.

Your repetition of this charge suggest that you castigate pieces that you have not even read.

That was my point, fellas. That 97% was bandied around as ‘proof’ that the rest of us who believed otherwise are luddite neanderthal knuckle draggers - but as I pointed out, that 97% was NOT not a sample of all scientists in the field - far from it - it was a very small sample of some scientists in the field who bought into the whole ‘consensual science’ bogey.
I did not memorize the source, sorry - but it’s up there in the thread somewhere.

Thanks for sharing again below one foreigner’s view. I agree with some of it, especially that
our concern should be Mr. Trump’s abilities and proclivities, and thus finding a “better candidate.”
I less appreciate the stereotypical denigration of the female gender, who already have largely been discouraged about much participation here.

From abroad:
" So, in, er, " the Land of the Free " the dreaded ‘Peeps’ voted in a Republican eccentric rather than a Democratic crook. So far, so normal! However, the losers, not content to heal their wounds and build their strength in order to fight a better contest with a better candidate (not too difficult given the nature of the last one!), they have wasted ’ yuuuuuuuge ’ amounts of time and energy and such miniscule amounts of intelligence that they possess, in trying every damn trick in the book to undo an election, including, SECRET hearings to plot the impeachment of the sitting President despite the fact that he is due to face the ‘Peeps’ again in a year!

Secret hearings - how very, er, Russian! Yesterday, the cabal was invaded by Republican Congressmen determined to find out what the Democrats were plotting. Who can blame them, after all this is supposed to be the home of democracy where leaders are changed by due process. I am not too sure about the common-sense, let alone the intellectual ability, of President Trump but it seems to me that the Democratic party has fallen to a clique of screechy, stupid ‘wimmin’, er, some of whom are men! We can go bonkers ‘over here’ because it doesn’t actually matter all that much but you are the leader of the free world!

Get a grip, America!"


You think Brexit is complicated? Try impeachment!

So, in, er, “the Land of the Free” the dreaded ‘Peeps’ voted in a Republican eccentric rather than a Democratic crook. So far, so normal! However, the losers, not content to heal their wounds and build their strength in order to fight a better…

From close to home: (a list of perceptions, some of with which I sympathize)

Well, be careful what you say on Twitter - as a famous person. People might actual believe you:

If he tweeted he was building a wall, to keep out the zombies from Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)… I might actually believe him! :crazy_face:

Oooooh…Trump used the word ‘lynch’. Ooooh…can we impeach him for that? Maybe?
" Let us remember that the Democrat Party is and has been the political repository of slavery, racism, secession, Jim Crow, anti-Semitism AND, yes, lynch mobs. The Democrats OWN the word and action. I have written before (here, here, here) about the long, sordid, and continuing history of the Democrats and lynch mobs.

As noted in one of those linked postings,

In the old days, Democrat-led lynch mobs terrorized the rural South; today, Democrat-led mobs terrorize all of urban America.
I should add that they terrorize the political sphere as well. The Antifa thugs are the direct descendants of the old KKK thugs and form the armed wing of today’s Democrat Party much as the Knight Riders formed that of the old Democrat Party."

Until I looked it up after seeing your post, I was unaware of the word “duff” being used other than in reference to one’s posterior.

I have always heard the expression as “stuff and nonsense!”

However, “duff” seems to be a much more expressive word. The word (in Britain) means “inferior” or “worthless.”

What’s new today, in the BBC? I’m glad you asked! :crazy_face:

Trump impeachment: The most dramatic week yet

Lot of talk about Google bias round here.

Well, I conducted a search on Google search engine, for the keywords “Google bias”…I didn’t find any compelling evidence, to support it. Am I missing something here, in my methodology? :crazy_face:

And I found the software on BBC, that might help our political gridlock!


There would be nothing LEFT of Congress…lol

BTW Biden used the very same word describing the Clinton impeachment!!! So did Gerry Nadler & so did other Dems but it was OK for them!
Now with the new thought & speech police we can only say and think acceptable things.


Trump appointed Ukrainian Ambassador William Taylor’s printed opening statement appears to be a bit of a smoking gun, that pressing Ukraine for help with Biden was not off the cuff, but part of a wide and concerted campaign to condition constitutionally approved and vital military aid upon receiving this assistance concerning the 2020 opponent that Trump has most focused upon.

Again selective leaking by Dems as under cross examination his story weakened to appear to be second and third hand information and more opinion then fact. Of course if we could see transcripts then we would be able to make a more informed opinion but one political party won’t release transcripts so that they can brainwash people by selective leaking to the crony MSM.

From everything i heard Trump wanted to find out about corruption from the 2016 election but additionally Biden won’t be his opponent for 2020 & Ukraine got the aid.
Obama managed to send 150 billion of “aid” to Iran without Congress which seems a lot more serious then this.

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The whole impeachment circus is to take our eyes off the real guilty parties - Biden, Clinton, Obama, and more than that, to try and get it done before the IG report and Barr’s criminal investigations are published. Of course, they want to ‘impeach’ Barr as well - what a surprise. But I think the American people are seeing through all the smoke and mirrors. That’s my hope anyway.

And lest we forget - Adam Schiff - who, before the transcript was released, thinking he could get away with it, made up (also called ‘lying’) the conversation to make Trump look culpable. Parody, quotha! And he’s the one LEADING the impeachment process.