Well, I did look at the BBC news today. And dividing things into “left” vs “right”, encourages violence at times.
And we see stories like this also:
Perhaps it’s a good thing, if and when Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) finally arrives. The world can set asside their peaty differences and unite against a common cause.
And I hope for the world’s sake, the zombies are as dumb and slow - as the one’s in Fear The Walking Dead and The Walking Dead. And not as fast, smart or perhaps even evolving - as the ones in World War Z.
Perhaps I should share this quote, that came my way today. And we can incorporate - the advise and counsel - within our individual, Christian theology framework:
It is America, the land of rationalists and materialists, where many think bhog (sense gratification) is the sole purpose of life. Million dollar dreams have created more millionaires and billionaires than in any part of the world. But many dreams have shattered badly; they have more money, big houses and cars, but the least peace and happiness. Now in corporate America, schools, and military, all are into meditation and mindfulness, yoga and breathing.
India the land where all of it was born is still snoring in a deep sleep about the need for it, in corporate and schools, in all levels of life, to stop cancers, heart disease, strokes, stress and depression.
Solution? Just Sit and Search Inside!
~~Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa
And one can start, by looking at the Yoga ( 1, 2); Zen (1, 2), Red Road ( 1, 2); Light ( 1, 2, 3, 4) links.