The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Well, I did look at the BBC news today. And dividing things into “left” vs “right”, encourages violence at times.

And we see stories like this also:

Perhaps it’s a good thing, if and when Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) finally arrives. The world can set asside their peaty differences and unite against a common cause. :wink:

And I hope for the world’s sake, the zombies are as dumb and slow - as the one’s in Fear The Walking Dead and The Walking Dead. And not as fast, smart or perhaps even evolving - as the ones in World War Z.

Perhaps I should share this quote, that came my way today. And we can incorporate - the advise and counsel - within our individual, Christian theology framework:

It is America, the land of rationalists and materialists, where many think bhog (sense gratification) is the sole purpose of life. Million dollar dreams have created more millionaires and billionaires than in any part of the world. But many dreams have shattered badly; they have more money, big houses and cars, but the least peace and happiness. Now in corporate America, schools, and military, all are into meditation and mindfulness, yoga and breathing.

India the land where all of it was born is still snoring in a deep sleep about the need for it, in corporate and schools, in all levels of life, to stop cancers, heart disease, strokes, stress and depression.

Solution? Just Sit and Search Inside!

~~Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

And one can start, by looking at the Yoga ( 1, 2); Zen (1, 2), Red Road ( 1, 2); Light ( 1, 2, 3, 4) links.

The Dems who perpetually move the goal posts to suit themselves now want to impeach Trump on “abuse of power” which is subjective and self serving and means any President could be impeached for this.
The Dems never took a House vote on impeachment because that would allow the Repubs to participate and to subpoena witnesses. Now the Dems control the Impeachment proceedings & won’t allow transcripts & they hand out selective leaks to their media of choice.

Do I want to hang out with Trump? Do I want to do business with Trump? No but I like his policies and that is what really matters to me.

The fact is that in reality if Trump wasn’t around “the left” would not change their behavior or goals one inch , they want to destroy America and rebuild it in their utopian Marxist vision.

Well, I hang out now with the Eastern Orthodox - as a Prospect. And l I discover that many feel, the Roman Catholic Church - is the “big bad wolf”. Well, I won’t go that far. But I won’t refer to it, as “Little Red Riding Hood” either. I give them the same courtesy, as they give the Eastern Orthodox. They have valid Holy Orders and Sacraments. But I fall short, of thinking that the Christian church - is under one leader - who is considered “infallible”.

For my take, I look at individual Democrats and Republicans, as lying somewhere in-between - “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Big Bad Wolf”.

Sometimes we just need to confuse, the “Big Bad Wolf” - whatever it turns out to be! And not let them, get the upper hand!

Let me reformat Bob’s article a bit: ‘Alarming circumstances’: A distressed diplomat tells a tale of venal intrigue. The first thing you notice is that it’s from the Washington Post. And some here would label them “fake news”.


A lot of info from the Wash Post considering there are no transcripts permitted to be released by the Dems yet the Wash Post reports on this testimony because of selective leaking by people who want to impeach Trump for political gain.

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Pretty obvious this silly impeachment is nothing more than the fevered attempts to show the American public how wrong it was to choose a prez from outside the political club. How dare we! Well he would not be the first man to do great things and still be brought down by low life’s such as Schiff, AOC, Hillary, Schumer et. al.
My suggestion for the Dems is to drop all the b.s., provide a good liberal moderate candidate not blinded by partisan fury, and start working with the prez they already have, for the good of the country.

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I had the same thought; doubters oughtn’t be convinced until the testimony is public.
Right now we’re only at the stage where the Post reported ‘Deep Throat’s’ account.

Courageous?? That’s not reporting, that’s opinion. Of course USA today has never been known for honest reporting.

After watching a true witch-hunt - in fact 2 - the Russia Mueller thing (in which we have evidence that after 2 months, Mueller and others knew there was no impropriety by Trump) and also the Kavanaugh hearing - one of the slimiest Lefty tricks of all time - after those, we NOW think that the Left is troubled by ‘substantial’ policy issues in the impeachment process? Why would we think that, seeing their recent history? I don’t understand how anyone could hold that position.

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Did you read it? It doesn’t claim to be “reporting.” It’s expressly their Editorial Opinion balanced with one offering the opposite view. Editorials offer analysis based on the judgment of the writers.

Why do you think it’s weird to think it’d take “courage” for career diplomats Trump employs to defy the edict of the administration that employs it. My personal view is that Trump is more skilled than that in exercising leverage toward those who displease him.

And you certainly are welcome to think that.
Does the word ‘courageous’ belong in a news story? It makes it sound like there will be all these consequences for ‘coming out’. Please.

I know, Brietbart. But still, it may be an indicator of a backlash. We can hope.

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Does anyone still believe in opinion polls? Maybe in the US. Don’t most of you still believe in an Easter Bunny?

It depends on the right statistical variables being used. For example. Are the folks being polled randomly selected? What is the methodology used? What is the survey error? Etc.

Polling Fundamentals

Prime example: the 97% or scientists who believe man-made emissions are causing global warming. Not said was the fact that it was a percentage of a select group of scientists. Duh.

For the record, Dave. Do you have a link, either describing this survey or reporting on it? Just curious!

Which one Randy? The climate change thing? It’s up in the stack above somewhere…I’m sure it’s still available on the interweb. I’ve read it, but then I’m an intellectual snob who accuses others of being low-information. Sorry…

This one you mentioned, Dave. But if it’s lost in the forum discussion bin somewhere, so be it. :wink:

Your point about polls is of course a good one. They are not, of course, all ‘honest’ and unbiased. I assume some are. But like everything else, they have been politicized and weaponized, and can be made to yield the results the pollster/party wants.
If we don’t know how and why the poll was commissioned, we are in effect low-information in trusting it or denying it.
But it is nothing compared to deepfake videos that both parties will start using.

Polls are what they are. Organizations take them and we discern them. If we take all polls as total truth, we are in trouble. But to be honest many ‘WANT’ to believe the polls from the side they are affiliated with. go figure…

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