The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Oh dear, leftist Bob has tied up reasonable Bob in the closet once again!

No, this is actually the concluding opinion of Restonā€™s argument, the historian of impeachments. It could well be dead wrong. Iā€™d welcome your critical analysis of his article, but mere ad hominem emotions leave little to engage.

Are we taking this impeachment seriously? Why would we?

ā€œegregiousā€, Bob? ā€œOutstandingly bad; shocking!ā€?

You should be able to do better than that, Bob!

Norm, Iā€™m sensing that you didnā€™t read anything I actually wrote or explained here, namely that this article was not even quoting me, but James Reston, whom I declared could well be mistaken.

I get the impression that especially three of you react with disdain every time someoneā€™s view is posted that differs with your politics. Itā€™s human to only want views posted by other birds of a feather. Indeed my impression is that those at the left and right yearn for the only cases presented to be those that their side sees as Politically Correct.

But my formative years were in the free speech movement, and I think our founderā€™s first amendment about democracy was genius, and even that life is more interesting in a domain where differing views are debated, and not just dismissed by declaring that our side is ā€œbetter.ā€

If you have a thoughtful critique of Restonā€™s piece, Iā€™d welcome that.

I really didnā€™t mean to touch a raw nerve, Bob. However, it appears I did. I actually like the way you present your opinions and concur with most of your views and comments, at least those outside the turmoil of political debate. I do take exception to being accused of ā€œreacting with disdainā€ to your political position. I respectfully suggest that remark might have resulted from an overreaction.

No, I hadnā€™t read Restonā€™s article. I suppose I noticed its source - the L.A. Times - and pre-judged it. I have since read it and its reading has only solidified my opinion that the expression of Trump hatred by Americaā€™s left is beyond belief in the degree of its malevolence and malignance. I would hope, Bob, that you might agree with that assertion.

Thanks Norm, I may be sensitive. But my comment was on ā€œthe turmoil of political debateā€ here.
And my perception is that any posted critique of the current presidency is likely to simply receive
a disdain naming us as just ā€œLeftistsā€ who are full of malevolent malignancy and hatred.

Iā€™d prefer to see critique of itsā€™ substance rather than just dismissals of our inferiority.

Once again, the great genius Greg Gutfeld nails it:
"ā€œSo, the Democrats ā€¦ are going to do their best to draw out the emotion ā€“ by using questions like ā€˜Did you feel threatened?ā€™ ā€˜How did it make you feel?ā€™,ā€ he said.

ā€œItā€™s going to basically be group therapy in which the shrink is going to be asking the children, ā€˜How mean was your daddy,ā€™ and Trump being the daddy.ā€

Believe it or not, Bob, but I am very sensitive, not just ā€œmay beā€. I didnā€™t suggest you are inferior in any way. I admit I think the Democrats in the House are demonstrating they live by an inferior standard of fairness by attacking Trump so ferociously while closing their eyes to the very obvious political crimes committed by their favourite, Joe Biden and the deplorable stunts being pulled by Adam Schiff. These actions do impact my sensitivity.

I kind of like that. Thanks Bob.

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We perceive U.S. politics quite differently. I think both sides practice this double standard with a vengeance. I donā€™t see GOPers any more given to attacking Trump and GOP favorites, compared to their vicious attacks on folk like Obama or Clinton, sometimes even long after they are out of power.

Expecting Dems and Republicans to equally go after their own is totally contrary to my perception of the way politics is being encouraged to be done. My perception is that whatā€™s actually most glaring and pivotal to our future, is that both sides see the faults of political opponents like a laser, but are equally blind to the grievous faults on their own side. So in this new era, each side just keeps increasingly insisting that there needs to be a more jaundiced and condemning view of their competition.

Each side feels equally certain that they are utterly justified in doing that (anyone who doubts that just needs to listen to both right and left wing media and sites; they each feel like the same kind of loud echo chambers). And the needs of the nation gets the leftovers.

Get a grip, Don. The purpose of writing is only that others will understand what you are saying - so when I wrote ā€œAmericaā€ you knew what I was talking about - the US of A. Context context context.

Hereā€™s what to look for, folks - fresh from the BBC news. :crazy_face:

Hereā€™s my reaction to the article.

Is this Deja Vu?

And we would never hear, the end of it - on this forum and elsewhereā€¦If Trump got impeached and Hilliary ran again and won! :wink:

Iā€™m glad reasonable Bob got loose! Have you noticed the Dems have moved the goalposts yet again!!
No more quid pro quo!, Now itā€™s about ā€œabuse of powerā€ which is as subjective as it gets and opens the door for any President to be impeached anytime the opposition is in power!

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Iā€™m not watching the televised farce, but my wife tells me that Jim Jordan just took apart the key Schiff witness Taylor.

Itā€™s kinda interesting but Ambassador Taylor is a pretty impressive figure but predictably the Dems try to solicit opinions from him and the Repubs focus on what actually happened.

I love when the Dems go on and on about how important Ukraine is yet forget that Obama only supplied them with blankets.

Impressive men giving OPINIONS to oust a President. So far my wife sez ā€˜hearsayā€™ is ruling the day.

Sure I knew what you were talking about. I wasnā€™t addressing your post at all. Itā€™s not particularly your use of the word ā€œAmericaā€ that bugs me; it is the general misuse of the word.

I just wanted to express the fact that I would like to see the word ā€œAmericaā€ applied to all of America, and where people wish to denote United States, they simply do so using the term ā€œUnited States.ā€ ā€”not that I expect that ever to happen. I just wanted to emote about itā€”get it ā€œoff my chestā€ as the expression has it.
By doing so I donā€™t think I lost my ā€œgripā€ on life.

These public impeachment inquiries are GREAT. :crazy_face:

Let me explain.

Iā€™ve been having trouble getting to sleep. And nothing seemed to work. Until they started holding, these public impeachment inquiries. :crazy_face:

Your comment brings to mind an incident I recall from several years ago.

I had a colleague, a colorful but quite judgmental character. He was fond of repeatedly criticizing the behavior of others, everything from how they spend their money (e.g., ā€œPeople, especially the poor, should not waste their money on lotteries.ā€) to what they enjoy in art and music (e.g., ā€œHow could anyone prefer the immature music of Mozart?ā€). As you can imagine, virtually everyone in his sphere of influence was targeted by his criticisms at one time or another.

But in what could truly be called a karmic moment, he was unwittingly stung by one of his own criticisms, namely ā€œAssuming that the word American refers only to the USA is blatantly ethnocentric because the word could also refer to the many other countries of North and South America.ā€

The karmic moment occurred at a gathering of several faculty members when he described a recent trip he had taken to Brazil. Eating out for breakfast on that trip, he ordered from the list of available dishes a dish called ā€œEggs American.ā€ But when the dish was served, he said he was puzzled and even a bit disappointed because it was not what he had expected. He said he had never seen anything like it before and consequently wondered why that dish would be called ā€œEggs American.ā€

I couldnā€™t believe my ears! As one who had been often burned by his criticisms, I was only too happy to seize the moment and pick this low-hanging fruit. My voice feigning innocence, I said, ā€œMaybe the ā€˜Americanā€™ in ā€˜Eggs Americanā€™ refers to South America, and thatā€™s why the dish was unfamiliar to you, a USA citizen in North America.ā€ His shocked expression said it all: that obvious interpretation of an ā€œEggs Americanā€ dish served in Brazil had never occurred to him. Not realizing it until then, he was as ethnocentrically focused on the USA as were many he criticized.

Itā€™s one thing to be ethnocentric. Itā€™s another to be hypocritical about it, too.

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