The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Now Dave. I do admit that Trump sometimes has unfair coverage, in the world’s media. And I do admit, he has done some positive things for America - and the world. And he probably is better suited to run again, then his Republican and Democratic contenders. And I do have criticisms, of the impeachment circle. But now that it is started, I say let it run its course. Let’s see how it plays out.

I’m sure every great leader in history, had his (or her) share of critics. And unfair press by the media. But truthfully Dave, you’re not on Trump’s PR staff. Or his social media staff. It’s THEIR job, to portray him in a positive light. But he has to listen first, to what they have to say.

As an “aspiring” Holy Fool, I used humor - to get people to look deeper. And to laugh at themselves and the world around them. It’s what we do.

And sometimes it takes an “aspiring” Holy Fool…to find the “singing sword”, in a forum thread - and bring it back. Whatever the cost! :crazy_face:

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Remember, Dave? Two years ago I offered to swap Justin (Pretty Boy) Trudeau for Donald (Down to Earth) Trump. You declined, rightly so imo. Too bad, because the “lib side” you are talking about might have come to realize just how much better off they are with Trump and never again long for a left-wing president.

The “left” is not interested in actual results of what works better for the residents of their country , they pursue their beliefs with the zeal of religious fervor, something akin to the Salem witch trials with Trump being a warlock. No performance, no fairness, no results matter to people with religious fervor, only a good thrashing at the polls a year from now will quiet them for awhile.


Well said, Randy

I agree Bob & re winning a trade war with China the remarkable thing is surprisingly we quietly are in the process of doing just that.
I just got back from visiting a client in PA that used to import 100% from China but now diversifying to India and Indonesia, In a couple of years they will be down to 25% from China and cost wise India is better for them. The toughest part for the US economy was the initial shock of tariffs but remarkedly it seems to be being processed and compensated for.


We do need a theme song, for this forum thread. And I was listening to CBS news. And they played this song, for a story. All we need to do, is change the words “Mighty Quinn” to “Mighty Trump” …and “Quinn the Eskimo” to “Trump the President”. What does everyone think? :wink:

Let me quote a bit, from the article. :crazy_face:

The subject of the song is the arrival of Quinn (an Eskimo), who changes despair into joy and chaos into rest, and attracts attention from the animals.

I remember Quinn the Eskimo , a good song but I would rather Quinn be Quinn and Trump be Trump unless maybe you could be Dave and Dave could be you?

That thought does bring to mind this movie. :wink:

" Since 2016, there have been over 100 acts of reported violence and harassment perpetrated against conservatives on college campuses. Within the last few months, scores of additional instances of violence and harassment have been reported bringing the current total to 117 incidents.

Whether perpetrated by students or school faculty, instances of violence or threats against conservative students — and sometimes even conservative professors — are becoming commonplace on America’s college campuses. This trend is also expanding to the high school level.

Here is a list of incidents of violence and threats made against conservatives on campus, or made by leftists in academia, that have been reported within just the last few months."
-(This is if you remember, one of the 25 items on the list I posted above. Why is there not outrage from the Left against this sort of intolerant hate-mongering and stifling of free speech? Would the left raise an uproar if conservatives were shutting down liberals who wanted to speak on campus? You bet your sweet bippie. What can be done about it?)

Maybe urge greater attacks on liberal enemies and elect a conservative Pres who leads that charge?

Afterall, “The only way to get someone to admit they are wrong is to smack them with a 2x4.”

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I’m pretty sure even Obama could not be elected now.
"Barack Obama’s 2008 Father’s Day speech in Chicago would be seen today as an “unforgivable outburst of white supremacy.” Here’s what Obama told his predominantly black audience in a South Side church: “If we are honest with ourselves,” too many fathers are “missing — missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men.” Then-Senator Obama went on to say, “Children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.”
There’s the real reason we have a ‘gun’ problem, I think. It’s easier to come up with unrealistic and freedom-robbing programs of confiscation from law-abiding citizens, than to face the fact we have abandoned, pretty much, the basis of society, on the altar of self indulgence, identity politics, and personal responsibility. Leastwise, appears that way to me.

Can I raise a fact without sounding like a racist? Just pointing out actual numbers? Feel free to investigate the study - that’s a good and responsible thing to do. Here are a few results of the study:

" According to leftist rhetoric, whites pose a severe, if not mortal, threat to blacks. Mac Donald says that may have once been true, but it is no longer so today. To make her case, she uses the latest Bureau of Justice Statistics 2018 survey of criminal victimization. Mac Donald writes: “According to the study, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between blacks and whites last year, including white-on-black and black-on-white attacks. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent. That ratio is becoming more skewed, despite the Democratic claim of Trump-inspired white violence. In 2012-13, blacks committed 85 percent of all interracial victimizations between blacks and whites; whites committed 15 percent. From 2015 to 2018, the total number of white victims and the incidence of white victimization have grown as well.”

There are other stark figures not talked about often. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting for 2018, of the homicide victims for whom race was known, 53.3% were black, 43.8% were white and 2.8% were of other races. In cases where the race of the offender was known, 54.9% were black, 42.4% were white, and 2.7% were of other races.

White and black liberals, who claim that blacks face a “mortal threat” from the “white supremacist in the White House” are perpetuating a cruel hoax. The primary victims of that hoax are black people. We face the difficult, and sometimes embarrassing, task of confronting reality."

And on a lighter note. :crazy_face:

On a heavier note, there are the things in that post that are worth our attention - such as Obama’s quote, or the number of racist crimes being overwhelmingly done by blacks (not making a racist statement here, just the numbers), which points to a lie about white racism. Or maybe not - what do I know, in the end?

Let’s look at a Mike Bloomberg commercial

Why should this interest us? It’s just another billionaire, running for office. Like the current US president or the current Illinois governor.

So why should this concern us, you ask?


  • He’s hiring a top-notch, advertising agency and PR team

  • He has billions, to spend on them

  • And more importantly, he listens to what - they have to say.

So hypothetically, if he ever wins the Democratic nomination, or runs as a credible - third-party candidate - against Trump, guess what?

I might be yelling.




You won’t have to guess because he is not getting the Dem nomination, but it is possible for him to run as an independent!

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I have never in my life heard of “Orange Man Bad.” So how could I have expressed anything about “Orange Man Bad”? (whatever the expression means)

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Last night, I stayed up to watch Jesus Christ Superstar musical on PBS. But if it was a musical entitled Donald Trump Superstar, I would have gone right to bed. :wink:

What’s new in the BBC today?

This might be, a wise course of action. Just like this heavy-set guy, usually advocates.

And be careful, of watching too many Macgyver TV reruns:

Just a footnote on another thread here - on this forum. Some folks claim to be Christians. And everyone here has demonstrated a knowledge - of the Bible and Christianity. Granted, many positions would be what the Church Fathers and Reformers label “unorthodox”. But then again, my theories on Homo Re-Animus Evolution and Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Tribulation - would be considered “unorthodox”.

However, I strongly question the Christian claims - of some newcomers here - with their sexual stuff.

  • I doubt they would have any clue, what “born again” really means. Even though Roman Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans, Evangelicals, etc. - have different perspectives on the term.
  • Nor can they back it by Biblical passages.
  • Nor could they produce any “perspective”, on Paul’s passages – about causing a brother to stumble.
  • Nor could that give any perspective, on Bible verses Got Questions uses
  • And they ignore what psychology and psychiatry have to tell them - regarding exhibitionism and disorders.

In fact, I doubt they could really tell the difference…between a Bible and a Cookbook. So a judge in a civil or criminal trial would ask the prosecutor or defense attorney - to lay some foundation first.

Let’s see what’s new in actual real non-Rachel Madcow news and opinion today?

I have some “earth-shattering” news, from the BBC. :crazy_face:

Here’s some reality, sorry about that: