Political wise, I’m an independent. I support all the values, that conservative evangelicals, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox - hold dear. But I’m also an advocate, for universal health care. And I only get active in politics - via social media - if the AARP feels an issue is important (like health care for seniors).
What I’m saying is that no politician will save you. No system will save you. If that were so, we would find examples - in the Old and New Testament. However, what we see is examples of God saving the faithful. Same message that is preached today. Just turn on TV evangelist Joel Osteen - for example
Hillary vs Trump was like being caught, between a rock and a hard place. But my main concern with Trump, is he doesn’t listen to advisers (i.e. Mike Pence, his social media and public relations team, his speechwriters, etc.). There should be NO reason, why fellow republicans would speak out - again a republican president.
As far as media being bias against Trump - including international media. Perhaps they just don’t like him. He’s not “Mr. sunshine, lollipops and rainbows” (see song youtu.be/w5Fgp-KihIA). It’s like this old country song: youtu.be/zO9q7hwbGUE
But I stop short of saying ANY republican is better than a democrat. Or vice versa. Most of the time, members of both parties - fall somewhere in the glorious middle, on issues and concerns.