The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Okay Dave,

I just talked to my 87 year old best friend (AA sponsor, father) and he said the market’s the best it’s ever been. He has some investments that are booming. So, it looks like I will get a good Christmas this year. Thanks to Trump.

You guys are right - taking down ISIS - not a big deal.
3% = gdp -not a big deal
economic boom -who cares? Not Canada!!

But - pardoning the 2 turkeys - Priceless!!!
So, I pardone you 2 turkeys as well!! Boom!! :laughing:

Michael!!! Thank you. You’ve done what some here are unable to do.

Wow! And here I thought I was giving Trump some credit for his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel! And what thanks do I get? I’m called a turkey! It seems that the only way you can please these right-wing extremists is to bow down and worshipTrump. :laughing:

I think the Zombie apocalypse, is arriving sooner then we think. People worshiping Trump? Isn’t that the anti-Christ image in Revelations? And here comes the zombies. The tribulation must be starting soon :wink:

You can’t scare me with a mob of left-wing drooling fanatics. I lived through 8 years of hell with Obama as wimp-in -chief!
What DOES scare me is the rumor floating around that in a few years Michelle Obama is considering a run.

OH, the horror.

Hmmm… It had never occurred to me that Trump might be the Antichrist. So I looked up the name “Donald” and found that it’s meaning is “World Ruler”! (See the 2nd heading).

And the meaning of “trump”?
According to, “To trump is to outrank or defeat someone or something, often in a highly public way.”

I appreciate you guys going at it. What is your view that the United States is actually primed for another Civil war, but this time it will be cultural, as in Right vs Left… :open_mouth:

The rest of the world better hope it doesn’t happen. AS hated as we are, if the US loses its power as a deterrent to agression from fanatics, everyone else is in trouble too. Unless those Lady Mounties are up to the task.

No, Maintenance Man. We’re not going at anything. We’re just goofing around.

However, your suggestion that there could be another civil war in the USA, may well be the case. I’m not so sure it will be Right vs Left, so much as Trump fanatics vs Trump haters. If I lived in United States I would not fit in with either group of extremists. If a civil war should erupt, I would probably spend much of my time trying to survive while staying out of the conflict.

I understand the goofing around but it is interesting that when I float the idea that there could be a sort of CW in the US that you say that might well be the case. :frowning:

Well that’s because you sounded serious about it, and also the fact that normally you don’t goof around.

I don’t think there’s going to be a civil war between lefties and righties. Maybe between righties and what DJT so charitably calls “the swamp.” I could see that happening–if they try to take our president away from us…

Well, I don’t speculate on things, I have no data on. But since I know multiple popular languages (at least, well enough to get by), i can migrate to difference places. Then I can sing this song - before I go. :laughing:

I firgured out, why Dave calls Zombies lefties. They will be what’s left, after the zombie apocalypse is finished. :laughing:

That is because this is very serious to me.

The Don we know now is much different than he used to be.

I knew DT before he received his load of cash. He was a very different guy back then. Here is a pic I snapped one day.

As you can see I have a great vested interest in this topic.

I wish they guy in the pic was in-vested rather than out-vested. :laughing: At least a t-shirt.

OMG! Put it on! Put it on, please!

Should Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? Well, the Calvinist site - Got Questions - has spoken to a reader inquiry :smiley:

Should Jerusalem be the capital of modern-day Israel?

Don’t forget to see the last Jedi film. See :smiley:

Since we have such a good answer…and what appears to be - a great Star Wars movie…How about some Mariachi Music? It’s only 7 minutes or so. :smiley:

From what I understand, the rebirth of Israel took place when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD and Christ was resurrected from the dead. This seems to be a reoccurring event.

Again, from what I understand, God does not dwell in a temple made by human hands. Where two or more are gathered in the Spirit of God, there He will be in the midst of them. This can be anywhere, for all of the world belongs to God. No offense to anyone, but I think there are many who still worship stones made by human hands. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I’ve heard that Israel is asking Trump and Putin for help in rebuilding the temple. Some say this is so they can bring back the ritual of sacrifices as prescribed in the Bible.

From my own understanding, just on a secular level, Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel and has been for quite some time. I’m sure it’s disingenuous for the people of other countries whose capitals were taken and/or settled no more peacefully than Jerusalem (even if farther in the past) to grouse about what city the people of Israel have designated as their capital. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. That, if anything, is settled science. It’s nothing more or less than realistic to recognize that fact.