The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Cindy, This is debatable. Personally speaking, I believe Jerusalem should be declared an international city.

From my own understanding, just on a secular level, Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel and has been for quite some time. Iā€™m sure itā€™s disingenuous for the people of other countries whose capitals were taken and/or settled no more peacefully than Jerusalem (even if farther in the past) to grouse about what city the people of Israel have designated as their capital. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. That, if anything, is settled science. Itā€™s nothing more or less than realistic to recognize that fact.

I agree and there is nothing debatable about it. Israel a sovereign country chose Jerusalem as itā€™s capital and the only reason many countries wonā€™t recognize this is because of threats of violence and intimidation from muslim countries or groups.

3% = gdp -not a big deal

Federal Reserve projects it to be 4% next year. Under Obama never over 2% but people hate Trumpā€™s personality so he must be unqualified, but Obama was qualified because he was likable!

I like the Donald BECAUSE heā€™s unpolished. Iā€™ve had enough of ivory towered superiors. They give me the creeps.

That SOUNDS nice, LLC, but it doesnā€™t work. By that logic, the UN could declare Chicago an international city (and why not after all, if someone else had laid claim to itā€“they would have as much right as anyone else I suppose, by UN logic). I might even say, ā€œYou may have it and good luck to you,ā€ but itā€™s not MINE, either. However it is a good deal more mine than it is the property of the ā€œinternational community,ā€ to whom I will never pledge obedience and to whom I believe the people of Israel as a group have also not pledged fealty.

Cindy, from what I understand, there is only one way to build a ā€œhouseā€ that will stand and that is through the Law of Christ( the universal Laws of God).

Just a footnote to add. According to the BBC at, Chile (a democracy in South America), also elected a billionaire as president. Heā€™s actually been a president there - during a past time frame.

In case folks are not aware, some LOVELY wines are grown - in Chile and neighboring Argentina. :smiley:

Just a footnote to add. According to the BBC at, Chile (a democracy in South America), also elected a billionaire as president. Heā€™s actually been a president there - during a past time frame.

Well then maybe i could run for Pres in the USA or Chile because according to the Dems the Tax Reform bill that just passed only benefits the Super Wealthy , and it benefits me! So i must be super wealthy!! I better tell my wife!

Maybe itā€™s the US Democrats and Republicansā€¦and the constant bickering - of their supportersā€¦that brings about the tribulationā€¦and the Zombie Apocalypse aftermath. I hope not. :wink:

Seriously. Letā€™s see what people sayā€¦after a few months have passedā€¦and they have their taxes doneā€¦and what happens - to their paychecks. And the Deficit. Etc. Then if they donā€™t like it, they can vote some Democrats in office - in 2018 :laughing:

Seriously. Letā€™s see what people sayā€¦after a few months have passedā€¦and they have their taxes doneā€¦and what happens - to their paychecks. And the Deficit. Etc. Then if they donā€™t like it, they can vote some Democrats in office - in 2018 :laughing:

Although i like the bill personally , it is really about corporations mostly. The ones the Dems call the super rich, like me. But Corps employ most people and in this mobile era itā€™s not hard for a Corp to locate to the lowest tax area like Ireland or Hong Kong. So for America simply to be competitive to retain Employers we had to lower the Corp tax rate or everyone would eventually work for the government, which would please the Dems.

BTW re the deficit from the tax reform , it gets paid for by additional economic growth of .4%. Under Obama we never had growth of 2% but now the Fed projects growth in 2018 of 4%. Maybe Trumpā€™s hair is setting the economy on fire?

For the life of me, I canā€™t figure out - which US party, the zombies like? :laughing:

I think both parties are actually just empty calories.

For the life of me, I canā€™t figure out - which US party, the zombies like? :laughing:

Since they are moving forward they seem like Republicans!

True, but do you think a door has maybe been kicked open with Mr. Trump?

Something has changed; there are signs of good things to come; but there is a terrible force trying to close the door and put a lock on it.

Everything is just a matter of perspective. :laughing:

Itā€™s like the Holy Foolsā€™ joke: Whatā€™s the difference between how we see the world - via Pantelism, Christian Science and Advaita Vedanta? Nothing. Everything is perfect. Itā€™s a matter of perspective. :laughing:

Something has changed; there are signs of good things to come; but there is a terrible force trying to close the door and put a lock on it.

Isnā€™t there a verse about sin crouching at the door?

Oh yeah.

There are already corporations saying that they are going to pass the tax savings they received from this legislation to their workers. This thing has been a long time coming.

And not ONE Dem voted for it. They still suffer from TDS. :laughing: