The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Dave, what do you think of the fact that Trump has been firing those people in the administration who disagree with him. Doesn’t that bear the mark of a dictator?

Hi Don - since every president in memory has done much the same thing, no, I think it is just good management style. Don’t forget that there are thousands of Obama people still in the government, attempting to thwart the good that Trump wants to get done. They have got to go or nothing will change, and the chance of draining the swamp will disappear. THEN we will elect a true dictator, from the far left, and the American dream will die. I think this is our last chance so godspeed to Trump, fire away, get in some good honest folk who have guts, and do what the Constitution lays out for us.

Here in the USA, THIS is now really happening: quote:
Editor’s note: The same “progressives” who have made American higher education into indoctrination chambers for cultural Marxism, identity racism and other anti-American ideas are now targeting our K-12 public schools. For instance:

At the Edina School District in Edina, Minnesota, all employees, even bus drivers, must take “Equity and Racial Justice Training” instructing them that “dismantling white privilege” is at the core of the district’s mission. They must acknowledge their racial guilt, and embrace the district’s “equity” ideology.

To enhance “cultural diversity,” students at Maryland’s La Plata High School were ordered to copy the Islamic creed “Shahada” which states in part, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” One worksheet distributed by the school states, “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.”

As part of transgender instruction in Rocklin Academy in Rocklin, California, a male kindergartener was reintroduced to classmates as a girl. A first grader at the school was sent to the principal’s office after she called the student by his given name on the playground – apparently unaware that the five year old had changed gender. - end of quote

If God has decided that Trump, of all people, should be the means of pulling us back from the abyss, let it be so.

I stand corrected. Just found this from John Piper in “The Satisfied Soul” devotional in the chapter:

Terrorism, Justice, and Loving our Enemies:

But it does not compromise this truth to say that God should also be glorified as the one who governs the world and delegates some of His authority to civil states. Therefore, some of God’s divine rights as God are given to governments for the purposes of restraining evil and maintaining social order under just laws. This is what Paul means when he writes: “There is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God…(This authority is) God’s servant for your good…he does not bear the sword in vein. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” (Romans 13:1-4).
God wills that human justice hold sway among governments and between citizens and civil authority. He does not prescribe that governments always turn the other cheek. The government does not bear the sword in vein. Police have the God-given right to use force to restrain evil and bring lawbreakers to justice. And legitimate states have the God-given right to use force to restrain life-threatening aggression and bring criminals to justice.
Therefore, we will magnify the mercy of God by praying for our enemies to be saved and reconciled to God. At the personal level we will be willing to suffer for their everlasting good and we will give them food and drink. We will put away malicious hatred and private vengeance. But at the public level we will also magnify the justice of God by praying and working for justice to be done on earth, if necessary through wise and measured force from God ordained authority.

Bishop Barron likes Jordan Peterson’s new book “12 Rules for Life”


I have no trouble, with a CEO firing people. But I do with HOW they might fire people. Announcing a NEW position head on Twitter, before you officially fire a person - is NOT standard protocol. And firing an FBI head, a week before they collect a pension - is usually NOT standard protocol.

I think he needs some, of the Peter Popoff - miracle spring water. :laughing:

One of my favorite by Jordan Peterson on having existential terror or “The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom”. Evangelical Universalism doesn’t stand up under the facts. Existential terror of breaking the law produces humility:


Again, Evangelical Universalism doesn’t fit the facts. As Jonathan Edwards has stated “Admit your vileness”


At the Edina School District in Edina, Minnesota, all employees, even bus drivers, must take “Equity and Racial Justice Training” instructing them that “dismantling white privilege” is at the core of the district’s mission. They must acknowledge their racial guilt, and embrace the district’s “equity” ideology.

Even though i think Leftists are wrong about almost everything they are amazingly talented at coming up with bizarre issues and convincing half the population that these issues make sense! :unamused:

The ‘core’ of their mission - dismantling white supremacy. The Core!! :cry: :cry: :unamused: :unamused:

Evangelical Universalism is the left. They deny God’s protection of His children against the wicked in hell. If God is love then He must hate evil. Those in hell have their hearts separated from all mercy. As a result it hardens. God’s justice protects the sheep from the goats as God is glorified.

Again, Evangelical Universalism is false. For years they criticized John Piper on his views of masculinity. But Jordan Peterson agrees with John Piper:


Well, I think it is the way of dictators. Hitler got rid of the people who didn’t agree with him. So did Stalin, and many other dictators.

Well - ‘got rid of,’ in their cases meant a brutal death.
'You’re fired!" is a Faaaaaaaaar cry from that, wouldn’t you agree?
And why would he keep his enemies in his employ?
I think you are maybe a wee bit too hard on the man.

It’s ALL a matter of perspective. I think the Mafia has (and still does), promise a job for life. THINK ABOUT IT :exclamation: :laughing:

Evangelical Universalism relies on “It’s just your interpretation”. They’re liberal postmodernists in morality and truth. Again Peterson disproves this postmodern social Marxism of evangelical universalists:


Thanks qaz. Let the record show that I don’t agree with everything Peterson says just the above videos.

Well, like many threads here. Some have no definitive answer - all can agree on. Like:

Is Trump good or bad - for the US and the world?
Is Pantelism true or not?
Is there free will or no free will - in universalism

And my, ALL TIME FAVORITE. Did the tribulation and the Zombie Apocalypse occur in 70 AD? Or sometime in the future?

Well, I have a definite answer to all three, though you are right—not everyone agrees.

Is Trump good or bad - for the US and the world? BAD

Is Pantelism true or not? NOT

Is there free will or no free will - in universalism? THERE IS FREE WILL

You are correct on one answer, incorrect on one, and the remaining one is kinda up in the air.
Overall, not tooooo bad, Don!! :laughing: