The temptation to believe investigate and ponder if ‘reincarnation’ is applicable in EU or UR. I have been doing lots of study on the subject of the resurrection and the state we are in after we are raised from the dead; I have also pondered that those going through aionios kolasis do not do so within the resurrected body but rather a reincarnation as this would be a mortal body in which they are raised instead of an immortal one. Therefore incarnation rather than a resurrection for those who willingly rejected and lived out of the flesh.
I can see where the idea could come from, but I still think scriptural evidence is against it. I considered it myself, for awhile.
…Or perhaps aionios kolasis has nothing to do with anyone’s post-mortem experience, but instead refers to a temporal judgment upon a certain group of people who were broken off from their own olive tree because of unbelief but will ultimately be grafted back in when all Israel is saved.
As for reincarnation, I see no more Scriptural evidence for it than I see for transmigration. If one’s theology tempts one to consider reincarnation as a possibility or a solution then I think one’s theology may be a little too loosely derived from Scripture.
Not really. Most Church Father’s pondered the possibility and even found Scripture evidence for it, but in the bigger picture either rejected it or found it not really a subject in which truth could ever really be propagated by continuing to ponder it.
I would be interested to know which “Church Fathers” pondered the possibility of reincarnation, as well as the Scripture evidence they found for it.
Why do you assume that “aionios kolasis” (possibly “age-to-come chastizement”) does not occur “within the resurrected body”?
I never said that Sherman. I said pondering the differences it was an option.
oh, ok.