The Evangelical Universalist Forum

I need some light on Romans 8.3

Steve, Paul is speaking of the Jewish law.
Matthew 15:19 "These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. they worship me in vain. They teach as doctrine, commandments of men."

Col. 2:22 'These will all perish with use because they are based on human commands and teachings."

Mark 7:8 “For laying aside the commandments of God, you hold to the traditions of men, as the washing of pots and cups, and many other such things you do.”

I agree. He did not honor His father and mother. If He was not in the wrong, there would have been no reason to mention that He was 12, just under the age of accountability.

If Jesus wasn’t human, he would not have needed the enabling of the Holy Spirit.

And now…drum roll please…

.Here’s the non-denominational site - Got Questions - take:

Many believe that God did away with His Law or changed it in some way. But, that is not the case. This is why I don’t believe in the theory of progressive revelation. The way I see it, God’s truth was there from the beginning. t’s men who try to change it.

In a way, I agree with you on that. But perhaps not completely, as I do see the continuity in scriipture but with a fuller understanding of who God is, as further revelations are given, leading to Jesus.

Would you agree with this paragraph? :slight_smile:

" “Paul’s
view of the cataclysmic irruption of God into the history of Israel and the
world in and through the death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah was that
this heart-stopping, show-stopping, chart-topping moment was, despite initial
appearances, and certainly despite Paul’s own earlier expectations and initial
understanding, the very thing for which the entire history of Israel from
Abraham onward, the entire history of Israel under Torah from Moses onward and
indeed the entire history of humanity from Adam onward had been waiting. It is
central to Paul, but almost entirely ignored in perspectives old, new, and
otherwise, that God had a single plan all
along through which he intended to rescue the world and the human race, and
that this single plan was centered upon the call of Israel, a call which Paul
saw coming to fruition in Israel’s representative, the Messiah.” (p. 35).

DaveB, In response to your question, no I don’t agree with the paragraph. I believe what they saw was a resurrection of the Spirit of God among men, a time of refreshing. The light didn’t just come into the world the day Jesus was born.Since the beginning, there has always been day and night, winter and spring, good times and bad times.

What books can you recommend - outside of the Bible :slight_smile: - that support your somewhat unorthodox views? And I don’t mean that in a snarky way - I am interested enough to want to read more about it.

And as Dave asks this question to LLC…I ask LLC this question. I shared this before:

Then I’m reading tthis email from Matt Slick - of CARM entitld Do Modern Bible Versions Lead to Heresy? Let me share this segment:

For example, a caller from this past week on the Matt Slick Live radio show was arguing from a King James Only position. He denied the deity of Christ on the basis that the KJV translators had not capitalized “I am” in John 8:58 the way they had in Exodus 3:14.

He argued that if Jesus really were the I AM, in the divine sense, the KJV translators would have capitalized it. Nevermind that the Greek and Hebrew texts don’t even use capitalization in this way. You can watch the whole conversation

I wonder if that caller, was anyone from this forum?

You can view the conversation here. Click the YouTube arrow unto 34.54

This caller isn’t YOU by chance, LLC - is IT???


Of course, I have my own viewpoint…that some might call “unorthodox”. That the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE…is the most probable, end-times tribulation scenario.

“Inch by inch it’s all a cinch, by the yard it’s hard. Go for it – no matter how slow or long the process seems at first.”-- Mardi Ballou

Maybe just might…a little…:slight_smile: