I know this topic is a little old, but I’ll share my view.
God said He knew Jeremiah before He placed him in his mother’s womb. And tons of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) involve people dying and then reliving what happened to them before they came to this life, or it involves them going to heaven and remembering that they used to live there and chose to live a life on earth in order to learn.
The next logical question is usually, “Why on earth would we choose to come from heaven to this horrible life? If we were perfect there, what can we learn here?”
Those questions are very earth-centric or human-centric in view rather than considering our perspective from there. There are built in assumptions such as what perfection is and that a perfect person cannot learn anything new, as well as suffering having no use.
There’s no sin in heaven and no suffering. And just because a person is “perfect” in heaven doesn’t mean they can’t grow. In fact, one of the most important parts of relationships is experiences with others. The more experiences you have with a friend, the deeper your relationship, generally speaking. Also, you can gain a whole lot of compassion for others just by going through difficult things they’ve been through. If you’re in heaven, you aren’t going to be able to experience certain things like sin, shame, the struggles of life, pain, etc. That means you can’t truly understand those things without experiencing them firsthand. So the only way to experience sin is to be born on earth, to have your memory of who you really are wiped, to have your ancestors’ sins passed down to you, and to be raised by imperfect parents. Once you can sin and feel shameful, you can learn from the experience and you’ll also appreciate heaven more when you get back there.
So if we have this experience here and other people have experiences as humans, as well, we’ll end up forming deeper relationships with them due to the common shared experiences of life. Also, we’d have an intimate understanding of sin and the damage it causes. Pain is the best teacher I’ve found so far, so I’m thankful for the pain I’ve been throufh.
The purpose of life here on Earth would be to learn through experiences, and to help others learn by playing our part here on earth. If we hurt someone, they have that experience to learn from. And when others hurt us, we have that experience to learn from, as well. We couldn’t have gotten that experience in heaven. And it’s that type of firsthand experience with pain that grows our compassion.
So we’re here to learn, grow our hearts, and help others learn through helping them or hurting them or just experiencing life with them. What we mean for evil, God means for good. So even the worst parts of life have learning value after we die. Those may be the most beneficial parts of life.
I don’t really want to go into more detail. I think that pretty much gets the point across. I could be wrong with this view, of course, but there’s an awful lot of evidence that supports it. We’ve seen this life as a morality test for so long, but I think it’s just a school, sort of. Also, I think we can probably choose to come back and live more lives if we want to learn more. This view retains our free will, which means God’s unconditionally-loving nature is left intact, as well.
Some may say, “Why can’t God just download the learning into us? Why ask us if we want to live a life to learn this stuff so that we must suffer to learn it?”
It’s pretty simple, really. Someone can tell you about their struggles of poverty and abuse when they were a child, and that gives you a shallow intellectual understanding of it. But if you go through it yourself, it makes a world of difference in understanding because it doesn’t just connect with your mind in a shallow way–it connects with your emotions and your heart. It has a massive impact on you. So how useful would it be for you to have this information just downloaded into you from God without going through it yourself and knowing you didn’t genuinely go through it yourself? Seems like a false experience to me when God is all about truth.
I better go to bed…my eyes won’t stay open and my sentences might not be making sense at this point. lol