It would have been quite easy for me (given my upbringing) to have pretended (to use a word of BA’s
) to be a Christian on these forums. But the very feelings of hypocrisy that led me to leave the church still operate; so I would rather be open about my inner feelings of doubt and, the fact that I find very many arguments against the existence of the Christian God convincing, means that to remain honest I must adhere to the agnostic tag.
However, UR (or whichever name variant we use) interests me greatly because I was brought up entirely in Born Again’s world and preached his message of hell and eternal damnation from the pulpit (people here possibly don’t know that I am in my early 50s). If I had met UR when I was still an active Christian who knows? There is still a chance that UR could persuade me back into a relationship with the Christian God. But I would be hesitant to declare that here because I have gone back to Christianity once before and then left a second time - and it certainly wouldn’t be to hellfire preaching.
So Born Again’s assertion that I have no right to argue from scripture because I have no spiritual discernment amuses me - am I an agnostic? or am I a backslidden Christian (he would probably quote Hebrews and the unpardonable sin to me I suspect)? Only God (should he exist) will know and certainly not Born Again.