The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Is Hell Biblical

I’ll share my thoughts on this, and then I’m sure Dave will do a good job in sharing his.

My concept of “hell” is that it is indeed the place in the afterlife for those who have not submitted their lives to the Saviour. But it is not a “destination.” That word makes it sound too final. Rather it is like one big “purgatory” in which such will undergo a process of correction. This process will not be “punishment” in the sense of retribution, although part of the correction may be uncomfortable due to ongoing rejection by some of the “inhabitants.” Perhaps the main aspect of the correction will be the witness of God’s people who will be sent there in order to lead them to the Anointed One.

I believe that in this life, salvation is life-long process and that no one can be said to be “saved” in the fullest sense until “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6). However regeneration is not a process, but an event. If we belong to Jesus, the Anointed One, then we have been regenerated, and have entered the door of salvation.

However, since you regard me as “crazy” I don’t expect you to take any of this to heart.


Thanks Don, we’ve been through this before and the ‘crazy’ is what it is and I have taken the same thing you have said in the past to heart, so thanks.

Pretty much like this: and this is my opinion too:
“The notion that the salvation of Jesus is a salvation from the consequences of our sins, is a false, mean, low notion. The salvation of Christ is salvation from the smallest tendency or leaning to sin. It is a deliverance into the pure air of God’s ways of thinking and feeling. It is a salvation that makes the heart pure, with the will and choice of the heart to be pure. To such a heart, sin is disgusting. It sees a thing as it is,–that is, as God sees it, for God sees everything as it is. The soul thus saved would rather sink into the flames of hell than steal into heaven and skulk there under the shadow of an imputed righteousness. No soul is saved that would not prefer hell to sin. Jesus did not die to save us from punishment; he was called Jesus because he should save his people from their sins.” GMAC, ‘Justice’


I appreciate the post, but as the infernal contrary seeker of opinion I am, I would like to hear the same thing from your vocabulary… I realize it is uncomfortable, but from my view, society is based on understanding those within the society, so as a person who wants to know how you feel about this subject, as oppose to posting a very good dialog by GMAC, I would like to hear what Dave has to say, in your own words.

Thanks Bro.

That says what I mean bro. Exactly what I mean.

Super. Thanks.