The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Is it normal to feel vulnerable during repentance from pride

I know of passages in scriptures, that speak of being saved as through fire, and being saved, though suffering loss. I know this is a popular interpretation in relation to the doctrine of purgatory in the Catholic Church, and an answer for the rehabilitative purpose of hell.

Plus, I find that pride is a kind of illusion of being number one, right and on top. And I know that pride is a trap for me, particularly with Universalism, and can get attached to religious, political, social and economic views that resemble Universalism.

Is it normal to feel vulnerable during repentance from pride?

That depends on to whom the object of your repentance is… IF it is to God then feeling vulnerable is a safe place to be as He cares for you. You might want to think twice however at putting yourself in that position with anyone else, IMO.

I’d say it’s normal to have a contrite heart when you repent and consider it a good thing because repentance is a gift of God.