[The previous series, 125, can be found [url=https://forum.evangelicaluniversalist.com/t/jrps-bite-sized-metaphysics-series-125/796/1]here. This series, 126, picks up with the topic arrived at the end of the previous series. An index with links to all parts of the work as they are posted can be found here.]
[This series constitutes Chapter 13, “The Leveled Playing-Field”. While I’m presenting it in “bite-sized” entries, I have decided (for various reasons mostly having to do with my scheduling) to post it up all on one day. This is the final chapter for Section One, and so also the final entries in Series 100.]
Having followed a path throughout this section that leads to the question of evidence, I am now ready to proceed with my positive argument. However, before I begin my next section, let me summarize where I am.
As I said near the beginning of this book, my goal for this section is merely to level the playing field so that misunderstandings about religious propositions don’t lurk undisclosed in the background, inspiring unwarranted and spurious opposition. In the process, I have necessarily had to pare off certain propositions here and there. But I have at least followed one of my core positions for this chapter: no matter how complicated the proposition, if it is built on a fundamental misunderstanding of the implications of propositions, then the proposition ought to be rejected.