[This is a continuation of Section Two, Reason and the First Person. An index with links to all parts of the work as they are posted can be found [url=https://forum.evangelicaluniversalist.com/t/sword-to-the-heart-reason-and-the-first-person/1081/1]here.]
[This series continues Chapter 18, “Atheism and the Justification of Non-Justification Ability”.]
[Entry 1]
(picking up from the end of the previous entry)
Reed (the theist): Let me rephrase the question. Do you perceive yourself to be an alien who has lived a million centuries?
Chase (the atheist): Your pitiful sense of humor seems to be reasserting itself…
R: I am entirely serious; and I will continue asking the question until I get an answer.
C: Fine. No, I do not perceive that I am any such thing.
R: Do you have any inclination whatsoever to consider yourself anything other than a human like myself?
C: No; and I have never said anything to that effect! I specifically said that this was a fictional example–!
R: So mutation and natural selection have also equipped your brain with a consciousness of risk and improbability suitable for creatures with a lifetime of less than one century.
C: Of course!