Part of what determines the weight of a sin doesn’t depend on the greatness of the person sinned against but on the greatness of the type of being sinned against. For example: the hateful killing a tree, a dog, and a human would have increasing penalties even if the killing were painless in each instance. This is so because humans are made in God’s image. The Bible says Christ is an eternally greater type of being than any other being. Therefore, rejecting Him and His gift of salvation is a sin that merits an eternally greater penalty than any other type of penalty. This is the sin that leads to eternal death. The penalty here is eternal torment. Now, eternity here is being understood in the classical and traditional, Christian view of timeless eternity. It transcends time altogether, like propositional truth, and is therefore timeless and unchanging. Those who die without God’s grace and fail to enter purgatory enter into this eternity. They therefore become just as unchanging as God and become fixed in their being and unable to repent. They stay evil for all eternity. This is the consequence of their sin. Their torment is therefore caused by their sins themselves. The punishment is therefore just and fits the crime.
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